Hi! I'd like someone to make me a bukkit plugin (for mc 1.7.2) that kills a random player on the server when i type a command of my choice - so can you tell me how to change the command too? thanks.
OK let me know if this link works correctly. This is my first time using DropBox. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lc68i6pyj73dt0r/KillRandom.jar
So if I wanted to change the /killrandom command to /lol for example, how would I do that using commands.yml?
I have no idea to be honest. I just know that it can do that. But any command alias plugin will do the trick as well.
Still not working :/ This is what I got: Code: # This is the commands configuration file for Bukkit. # For documentation on how to make use of this file, check out the Bukkit Wiki at # http://wiki.bukkit.org/Commands.yml # # If you need help on this file, feel free to join us on irc or leave a message # on the forums asking for advice. # # IRC: #bukkit @ esper.net # (If this means nothing to you, just go to http://webchat.esper.net/?channels=bukkit ) # Forums: http://forums.bukkit.org/forums/bukkit-help.6/ # Twitter: http://twitter.com/CraftBukkit # Bug tracker: http://leaky.bukkit.org/ command-block-overrides: [] aliases: icanhasbukkit: - version $1- lol: - “killrandom”
Necrodoom Um... what? There are no args for my command ric275 Try this... Code: aliases: icanhasbukkit: - version $1- lol: - killrandom Also, make sure you've restarted the server afterward
That will not work. The $1 needs to be there even if the command has no arugemnts whatsoever, plus, you forgot the dash (-) at the end. This should do the trick: Code: aliases: icanhasbukkit: - version $1- lol: - killrandom $1- Make sure to restart the server afterwards.
Yes you could use a Command Alias plugin, but if you don't want to then try this: Code: aliases: lol: - "killrandom $1-" I forgot to put the quotes in my previous post, so that's probably why it didn't work.
ric275 If you click the link in my signature you will see a list of plugins. Check DynamicAliases. Will do everything you need it to do.