Can somebody give a walk through in creating a bukkit sever

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by chris8599, Aug 25, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Hi i need help creating a bukkit server when i try running the run.bat it says cold not find specified path if anybody has skype my name is critopher99 i really need help!!!!
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  4. Offline


    or u can take a look at the millions of guides using the search button or one of the threads in my signature
    Omnitv likes this.
  5. Offline


    Im sorry sir, hopefully I can be forgiven for my sin.
  6. Offline


    Omnitv Long time no c :p (you have a broken image in your sig ?? :eek:)
  7. Offline


    i know i have done that i still need help can one of u help me
  8. Offline


    Yeah its the xnfromod thing. I thought md_5 is making one again?
  9. Offline


    it would be really helpful if somebody can skype voice call or teamviewer 2 help me
  10. Offline


    I made one, except graphics aren't exactly my strong point and it ended up being a misaligned rectangle...
  11. Offline


    md_5 so is it working do we get a link?
  12. Offline


    Its not good enough for public consumption, may make your eyes bleed.
  13. Offline


    Honestly, probably not. Post what else you need help with... Reality being, if you followed the guides, you should have a functioning server. What else do you want help with...?
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