Can I use HashMaps for this?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ron975, Sep 8, 2012.

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    So, basically what I need to do is check how many times a player interacts with a lever, for example.

    So, I have a PlayerInteractEvent, and I want to get the existing value (number of times the player has used a lever before) and add 1 to it.
  2. Yes a HashMap is good for that.
    Just do
    HashMap<String, int> counter = new HashMap<String, int>();
    String player = event.getPlayer().getName();
    int newValue = counter.get(player)+1;
    counter.put(player, newValue);
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    I get "Syntax error on token "int", Dimensions expected after this token" when copy-pasting that code in Eclipse
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    Write it out.
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    use Integer not int
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