BuyCraft/Server Console Issues

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Spinny99, Mar 12, 2013.

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    I could of posted on the BuyCraft page, but I thought it'd be better here :)

    So here is my issue:

    When someone donates to my server, the donation goes through partially successfully. What I mean by that is, BuyCraft gives the person the Items I issued, the InGame money I issued, but not the rank and I don't think it's BuyCrafts fault. I looked into my Console, and it showed that it put through all the commands but could not find the group I tried to add him too:


    I tried letting buycraft issue /manuadd {name} champion as well as /manpromote {name} champion, I get the same error either way. I made sure the spelling and format was all correct as well. So, I was thinking, maybe I should try and add him through console! I typed /manuadd Briceyboy107 Champion and it didn't work! So I think the problem is with my console. If this may effect it, I'm running McMyAdmin and GroupManager and BuyCraft to do this operation.

    Also, here is another part of the problem. Every time someone donates, for it to go through and exucute the commands, I have to type /buycraft forcecheck. Yes, I have waited 5-10 minutes and sometimes up to 30 minutes yet It's never worked. I'm not sure what the issue is here.

    I'd be happy to reward the person who can help solve this issue, it's sorta urgent.

    Thanks, Spinny

    P.S. If you have any questions related to my problem, either send me a PM or post below (posting below preferred :D)
  2. Offline


    Are you sure a group with that name exists?
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  4. Offline


    Hmm. Try removing the capital letter from the group-name (and the command of course). It would be weird, but it might work.
  5. Offline


    I've already tried that as I said in the first post.
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    Super User

    'Group not found!' did you make sure in the config or where ever that the group is set properly?
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    Everything as I know is config'd properly as I can add people and do Group Manager commands perfectly fine in-game. It's just a problem with the console, I think.
  8. Offline

    Super User

    No, BC is reporting that the group is not found, so something is wrong there.
  9. Offline


    specify a world. your issue is probably that you have an unmirrored world with no group called "Champion.
    its GM reporting that group not found, GM being a multiworld supporting permission plugin, issue probably caused by default world select for console isnt mirrored with the main world, so a world should be specified on /manuadd.
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    list world folders at groupmanager worlds folder, the world where you are trying to promote on, the exact command with world name, and the groups.yml.
  12. Offline


    I'll say it again. I'm absolutely sure I'm entering the correct command with the world name, corresponding to the groups.yml.

    Woah. I had an idea, could the issue be that I don't have any groups in the globalgroups.yml? I never use that because I have world mirrors setup to my main world.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
  13. Offline


    not related.
    i want to check that. you may have missed something.
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