buy Mobs/Animals with MYSQL

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by douglas_srs, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hello guys,

    Here is what I want:

    MobSpawners can be dropped, but they won't spawn nothing unless people buy the mobs, for example: I have a sign in my Farm Center at my Main town, that sign Will have that lines:


    When someone right click it, it will save a the mob to the database on the user record so when the user place the spawner he can Spawn only the available mobs he bought and then remove it from the database!
    Maybe we can have an option to autobuy mobs automatically, so a player put a spawner and the mobs will only spawn if he has the needed money.

    That's it!

    Thank you all!

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