Bukkit's Logic or Mine is Broken

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TheHandfish, Aug 7, 2014.

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    So I'm making a plugin that allows the player to make [Command] signs. When you make the sign, it checks to see if the first line is [Command] (case is not specific). But for some reason, even if I clearly am making it "[Command]", it still returns false.

    2. @EventHandler
    3. public void onSignChange(SignChangeEvent event)
    4. {
    5. Block b = event.getBlock();
    6. Sign s = (Sign) b.getState();
    7. if(s.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase("[Command]"))
    8. {
    9. if(!"".equals(s.getLine(1).toLowerCase()) && event.getPlayer().hasPermission("signdirectives.makesign"))
    10. {
    11. event.getPlayer().sendMessage("DEBUG: Created Command Sign");
    12. event.setLine(0, "§1[Command]");
    13. event.getBlock().getState().update();
    14. }
    15. else if("".equals(s.getLine(1).toLowerCase()) && event.getPlayer().hasPermission("signdirectives.makesign"))
    16. {
    17. event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Your Command Sign was incorrectly set up.");
    18. event.setLine(0, ChatColor.DARK_RED + "[Command]");
    19. event.setLine(1, ChatColor.RED + "<Command>");
    20. event.setLine(2, ChatColor.RED + "<Arguments>");
    21. event.setLine(3, ChatColor.RED + "<More Arguments>");
    22. event.getBlock().getState().update();
    23. }
    24. else if(!event.getPlayer().hasPermission("signdirectives.makesign"))
    25. {
    26. event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.DARK_RED + "You don't have permission to make command signs.");
    27. event.setCancelled(true);
    28. }
    29. }
    30. else
    31. {
    32. boolean bool = s.getLine(0).equalsIgnoreCase("[Command]");
    33. event.getPlayer().sendMessage("§aDEBUG: Error! onoes! " + bool + ", actually is \"§r" + event.getLine(0) + "§a\"");
    34. }
    36. }
    37. [/javascript]
    39. event.getPlayer().sendMessage("§aDEBUG: Error! onoes! " + bool + ", actually is \"§r" + event.getLine(0) + "§a\"");
    40. This line tells me that the line is "actually [Command]"... so why is it returning false? It doesn't make sense. I have tried several different methods for comparing the sign line to what it needs to be including the toLowerCase().contains() method. Any advice? This is quite confusing. :P
  2. Offline


    TheHandfish use event.getLine(int). The lines aren't set in set on the Sign yet
  3. Offline


    fireblast709: Huh? Sorry. I don't understand. x.x Could you explain?
  4. Offline


    TheHandfish line 7 uses the tile entities data, which is set after the event has been handled (of course if the event hasn't been cancelled)
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    The SignChangeEvent is pre called and works when you pressed the done button but since you don't have these lines yet because its precalled before it writes the sign data to the actualy blockstate its not really possible to use it that way, in order to fix that use the event it self it contain the same methods as in Sign but not the update() method because the event will care for that.
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    TheHandfish Now why would you do that when you could change s.getLine(x) with event.getLine(x)....
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    let me geuss, you want real time updates on the signs?

    in that case you may want to use no scheduler but instead using a combination of event.getLine() and blockstate.setLine() and blockstate.update(), but be aware by doing this when the sign is clicked on done it resents all the lines again...

    oh you actually need a scheduler though
  9. Offline


    xize TheHandfish Well you could just set the events line so that it updates to the line set.
  10. Offline


    TheHandfish no. Instead of getting the Sign and using s.getLine(x), check if e.getLine(x) matches the stuff you want to compare
  11. Offline



    My concern is that it may not work unless the player has already clicked the done button.
    but if he wants to update the signs live (when still typing on the sign) this event isn't really designed that way it doesn't do a 1 tick update automaticly it only adds things on the sign when done is clicked, so a scheduler would be more suitable but also sort of dangerous to, if I where the op I would strongely advise adding the scheduler outside the event and use a getter system or something smilliar.
  12. Offline


    xize stop advising the scheduler lol. If you read the initial post you can see he wants to make some kind of command executing sign ;)
    xize likes this.
  13. Offline


    Fair enough, the first lines made me confused what the op intention was,
    but now I see:p.

    ignore my last 2 posts, the scheduler is not needed it only creates confusion.
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    Okay, thanks. I just realized I forgot to change s.getLine to event.getLine. I'll try that next time I'm on a computer.
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