Bukkit: The Next Chapter

Discussion in 'Bukkit News' started by EvilSeph, Feb 28, 2012.

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    What follows is a written account of Bukkit's story. If you'd rather know what the big news is, skip to the bottom. However, we'd appreciate it if you read through our entire story as it gives us an opportunity to show appreciation and give thanks to the many people, groups and companies that helped us throughout our adventure.

    When we started up Bukkit in December of 2010, we decided we wanted to do things right. Right from the beginning we wanted to be sure we were bringing about a positive change to Minecraft, one that Mojang themselves would approve of. To that end, we set up a meeting with Mojang to get a feel for their opinions on our project and make sure we weren't doing anything they didn't like. The gist of the meeting was that Mojang "liked what we were doing" but not how we had to go about doing things. Unfortunately, we both knew that we had no alternatives, so we continued along - albeit now with the reassurance that our project would most likely not be shut down any time in the future. We decided to create Bukkit to provide the Minecraft community with better tools to manage and extend their server, but our ultimate goal has always been to give the Minecraft community what it needed and wanted to make our favourite game even more enjoyable and being able to do so in an official capacity is our dream.

    Shortly after the launch of Bukkit, after I had posted an innocent announcement to get developers interested in Bukkit, our project exploded with activity. While I had anticipated developer interest and had planned for such, the added interest from the community as a whole was simply overwhelming. So much so that it had begun to put a strain on my dedicated server and actually was pushing it to the point of hardware failure. Luckily, it was around this time that Curse approached us and offered to set-up a temporary Amazon EC2 instance while they purchased new servers for our use. Unfortunately, the Amazon EC2 instance also could not keep up with the demand and was proving to be too costly. So, we asked around for help and Multiplay's Steve Hartland put us on one of their boxes free of charge while we waited for new servers to be purchased and delivered.

    One of the goals of the Bukkit project, or maybe just my personal goal, was to solve what I felt was a big problem within the Minecraft community: it was largely impossible for someone new to Minecraft to discover the unlimited potential of Minecraft modding. Not only would they have to deal with unwieldy and clunky forums, but there was also no central place for sharing your work. In answer to this problem, we endeavoured to create a new service dubbed Fill which we hoped would address all the needs of the community but were unable to gain any ground. We were simply not experienced enough to run something of this magnitude nor did we have the resources to pull it off. One day we were discussing the idea of Fill and our desire to provide a central download solution for the modding community and the WoW players on the team brought up Curse and the success they've had with WoWAce. At that point it all came together, not only did Curse have the resources to pull off something as large as we were envisioning in Fill, but they had the success, experience and scalable software with WoWAce to do so. With that, it was clear to everyone that Curse was the best route to take and dev.bukkit.org was born.

    When news broke out about Mojang organising a Minecon, the entire community was alight with excitement and anticipation. Even today, I still find the sheer dedication from the fans unbelievable and overwhelming. Though we were also excited about Minecon, there was no way we would be able to go since Bukkit is an open source, free project. Much to our surprise, though, Curse had other plans in mind. They decided to fly us over, cover our tickets and accommodation, host us in their booth and setup a panel for us. I've never met a company that cares more about gaming than Curse: when the possibility of their supporting the Bukkit project first came up, we were all blown away. Curse wanted to throw themselves behind our project. They wanted to provide us with the support and resources we needed to continue functioning, no questions asked and their desire to send us to Minecon further reinforced this opinion we had of them. Thanks to their support, we were able to go to Minecon, have a great time and put together a panel filled with our fans, as well as sneak off to a secret meeting with Mojang.

    Back in December of last year, my team and I were invited to Stockholm, Sweden by Mojang to discuss the future of Minecraft - and most importantly the future of Minecraft modding and the official Minecraft modding API. Having just recently met in Minecon, we mostly knew what to expect but were blown away by Mojang's hospitality and the surreality of actually being in Stockholm with them. Not only were we able to visit the Mojang HQ but we were also given the opportunity to be part of the launch of Cobalt (which was simply fantastic) and got to meet the entire team of talented individuals at Mojang. We spent the majority of our time with Mojang shooting ideas back and forth and getting a taste of what was to come and how we might be able to become involved.

    Which leads me to today. Our meeting at Minecon was just the beginning and after having flown us out to Stockholm to get to know each other, it was clear that the potential to do truly great things together was there and we were eager to explore it. After all, we had already been given a direct line to the Minecraft team, the source code and were actively providing Mojang with (exploit) patches and improvements. The next logical step was to figure out the best way to continue working together, perhaps in a more official and intimate capacity. After careful and lengthy consideration, the best course of action became clear. My team and I had already achieved what we wanted to when we started the Bukkit project: provide server admins with the means to easily customise and run their server and provide developers with an easy to use, properly designed API to bring their insane and cool ideas to life. The next obvious step was to make it more official and with news breaking out that Mojang was interested in developing an official Minecraft API, we knew just how to do that.

    I am extremely pleased and proud to announce that, as of today, the Bukkit team has joined Mojang. When discussing the possibility of a modding API publicly, Mojang was concerned that they would be unable to provide the community with a suitable and powerful enough solution and we honestly feel that our experience building Bukkit will help them do so. Thanks to our work with Bukkit, we have a years worth of experience, failures and lessons to help us develop a proper modding API and intend to do whatever it takes to produce one that satisfies the needs of the community. Now that we have an opportunity to design the official Minecraft API, we intend to make it a suitable replacement for Bukkit, if not a significantly better one, while bukkit.org will remain a community for modders for the foreseeable future.

    Official announcement from Mojang with more information: http://mojang.com


    A big "thank you!" is due for the many sponsors we've had over the life of the project:
    eXophase.com - for hosting the project at the beginning and helping us get off our feet
    Multiplay - especially Steve Hartland
    AllGamer - especially Clinton and Scott
    Our Staff who work tirelessly and thanklessly to keep everything in order
    and, of course, Mojang for giving us a chance, taking us seriously and supporting what we’re doing.

    And to you, our community and our family: thanks for sticking by us through thick and thin, we really would not be where we are today without you.
    jflory7, Acharige, iiHeroo and 88 others like this.
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    Don Redhorse

    well there will not be a bukkit anymore, and even if a lot of the stuff here was wrong it will be better than nothing.

    I like it how we will simmer in our questions and fear about the future while some people in closed irc channel with have a lough at us.

    IF anybody of the team would have cared about the community they wouldn't have only announced this, but would also have announced who would take over bukkit.

    This is another bad move, from a guy who said I would spit on people.
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    ... and security, please (ie. anti-hacking/cheating/etc.)
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    Don Redhorse

    well, but who is handled over the rights and access to bukkit.org? Who is handling the interaction with Curse?

    bukkit is dead! Everything else is either a NEW community from scratch or something which is already there NOW.

    And bleeding DIDN'T had any community interaction, is was an interaction of some chosen view with no feedback from the community.

    If people would read more than just the announcements but also look for the implementation they would notice that 80% of the announcements where never fullfilled.

    And I wonder if the lag of progress for dev.bukkit is based on the fact that the team was already going for Mojang.

    yeah the community... but not the team... at least they don't talk about it with the community...

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
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    What community?
    Mukrakiish likes this.
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    EvilSeph - So how long of a stretch are we likely looking at for not having any sort of "current" mod system - either Bukkit or Minecraft API?
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    Wow, I can't believe people are angry at the Bukkit developers for getting paid for their hard work now. Seriously, people. "I want it, I want it now, I want it for free!"

    As has been said, everyone can just take the Bukkit and CraftBukkit sources and do their own thing. I'd love to see how that goes.
    Stone_Tigris and iPhysX like this.
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    I dont think you understand, even if there is a modding api in the regular minecraft server, it most likely will NOT be compatible with ANYTHING in bukkit. Meaning your plugins are useless and will cause your server to hemorrhage and die most likely.
    Stone_Tigris and Don Redhorse like this.
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    Perfect! I've been quite worried that Mojang would withdraw the silent understanding with Bukkit and this is the only real viable way for the future.

    Things change. This change is most likely for the better. Mojang has a culture that will now influence what's known as Bukkit much more than vice versa.

    To those that bring up the GPL: Remember that authors can always dual license if they wish. If an author that has submitted code into Bukkit doesn't want to dual license, that code needs to be rewritten, but the rest doesn't.
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    wonderful news, congratulations!
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    You don't quite understand...the API will be REWRITTEN FROM SCRATCH.

    Backwards compatibility is also not gurrantee'd...all we can assume at this point is all bukkit plugins are going to their graves ;).
    emericask8ur and iPhysX like this.
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    Don Redhorse

    OH.... just ONE question I would get feedback from from EvilSeph Dinnerbone Grum


    Why would anybody put any work now in resurrecting old plugins if the official api doesn't support bukkit plugins at all?

    A lot of them already DO with R5

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2016
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    Maybe that was the intention, maybe they wanted to force/presuade devs to use their API in their new system implemented in the the official server.
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    I'm pretty sure that very few people are crying about them getting full time jobs for hard work (getting a paid job is always pretty awesome). Its far more about the politics, lack of communication, no community (kick in the ass sorts), and so forth that is coming of the news.
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    Congratulations. Jeb_ has yet to disappoint me, and I hope you guys will be the same for Mojang. No disappointments! :p
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    Surely it's neither in Bukkit or Mojangs interest to see the majority of plugin based multiplayer servers fall to their deaths in a single blow?

    Will modders really have to rewrite their plugins from scratch?

    Most servers will either lose their popularity or completely die if this is the case.
  18. Offline


    Points still valid, he's using communist acts to "rule". Rather than allowing open speech and ideas.
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    Straight from #spout IRC as in Afforess's sig... *sigh?*

    [talking about new MC API]
    [13:40:49] <Grum> I personally do not see much benefit in making it opensource at this moment
    [13:42:03] <Grum> you dont need to opensource to have the community
    [13:42:06] <Grum> see Bukkit
  20. Offline


    1. probably not

    2. Yes they WILL have to re-write. COMPLETELY.

    3. duh, thats why people are so angry.
  21. Offline


    Never said it was a good thing :p
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    We'll they've nothing but disappoint so far so....
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    I am disappointed to see a lot of plugins die, but I can see past that. Pigcraft runs HEAVILY on plugins atm, and the new PvP world I am planning will literally die because of this, but that doesn't make me any less excited for bukkit joining mojang. This means better multiplayer in the future, possibility for tons of awesome plugins and mods, etc. This is for the better folks, please have some patience and understanding.
  24. Offline


    Yes I'm saying that. Most of Bukkits and CraftBukkits codebase was designed, written and especially maintained by the core developer team. Other developers have come and gone, only few stuck around and regularly helped improving Bukkit.
  25. Offline


    [citation needed]
    Stone_Tigris, NuclearW and Ice_Sword like this.
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    With all the complaining ive done on this thread, ive got to say this is an interesting concept. Lets hope it goes somewhere and not die off like Hey0. Bukkit API has thaught me alot with java. Ive got to at least say thanks for helping me find a new interest. Coding for bukkit has been an honor while it lasted. I created 2 interesting plugins till they broke.
  27. Offline


    I believe the citation is that they cannot legally use Bukkit's code in a closed-source project.
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    At least they can't use code that was written by other devs in form of pull requests. They can reuse and relicense their own code as much as they want.
    troed likes this.
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    So that cuts out the new event API, and the services API, to name a few things
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    Don Redhorse

    FINALLY... to make improvements they have to rewrite code.

    Also code from bukkit can not without any problems be incorporated into the official server. And a lot of the code was done be other developers.

    There is ofcourse almost no trace of that as the bukkit team explicitly removed any author tags anywhere from the code as far as I know.

    Also proving that code from bukkit is being used in the official mojang server will become quite hard, especially as there will probably nobody be able to sue them into making the code available for comparison.

    The spout team has a hard time writing everything from scratch, and I think it will be a lot harder for Mojang to do that AND keep compability.

    You also need to keep in mind that they also have to create a new community of developers first AFTER they have released the modding api.

    And the bukkit team was never good at accepting feedback from the lower people.
    Inscrutable likes this.
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