Bukkit Server No Plugin Folder HELP!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Wooginator, Oct 2, 2012.


How can I get my plugins folder?

  1. Make one yourself

    1 vote(s)
  2. Remake your server

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Offline


    Well, I made myself a bukkit server, but when I tried to install a plugin, I realized there was no plugins folder! Please help! Or should I just make one? Screen Shot 2012-10-02 at 10.22.03 PM.png
  2. Offline


    sir, you're doing it wrong. you need to download craftbukkit.jar, not minecraft_server.jar. Then run your start.command file and it will create the right files and folders.

    If you need an installer, master hawkfalcon made one for mac users: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/76488/

    Happy Bukkiteering :)
    hawkfalcon likes this.
  3. Offline


    Thank you SO MUCH!!

    Oh no, problem. How do I setspawn so like, where players spawn they spawn somewhere specific? And! Im an op and when I do /help it doesn't works.. :(

    Hellpp.. Sorry for spamming/sounding like a puppy.. View attachment 11295

    Oops lol I meant 'much'

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  4. Offline


    that's alright, to set spawn, you actually need a plugin that's capable of doing that for you. Since you're gonna need an admin plugin anyway, kill two birds with one stone now, and download this plugin (put it in your plugins folder)
    Then, start up your server, and in game, go to where you want your spawn to be. Then type /setspawn
    For a list of all possible commands for this plugin, head here:

    scrap all that, i just looked at your photo and saw you had commandbook installed already. (I use that as well)
    Just type /setspawn in chat where you want the spawn to be set
  5. Offline


    just type /setspawn, will set the spawn at the position you want.
    what is the problem when you do /help?
  6. Offline


    Well, when I do /help (as an op and normal player) an error accord. (Like the one in red text in the picture above)

    Uh. Oh no. That automatic server maker thing you gave me, it worked. But, when I gave my friend the IP it said people could use to connect to my server, he said it didn't work. The server was running, too.

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  7. Offline


    you need to port forward your game. See my tutorial for details (its on windows, but it should be similar for mac).
    Without port-forwarding, your network router won't allow the server to connect to the internet.

    If you so wish, I can assist you over teamviewer

    Also, using commandbook, falsebook and essentials together is a recipe for trouble, since they will conflict with each other. Get rid of two of them and keep one.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  8. Offline


    er, falsebook doesnt have anything in common with commandbook and essentials.
  9. Offline


    oops, got confused with the old craftbook -.-
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