**Bukkit Server... Help Needed**

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Rjames426, Feb 3, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Could anyone possibly help me in setting up my public server? I am having troubles with the configuration of coloring groups in the chat. Could someone please recommend plugins? And what should i use for managing groups? GroupManager, PermissionsBukkit, or PermissionsEX?
  2. Offline


    I'm having same problem, the colour for groups in chat. i could help you setup PermissionsBukkit, and Teach you how to manage plugins etc
  3. Offline


    I haven't had any other problems but that would be great thanks!
  4. Offline


    Just Pm, your skype ( only contact thing i got sorry) and i can help from there, and if you figure out how to do the colouring please help me out too :d if i do, i'll help you out aswell
  5. Offline


    I'v tried everything I could think of and still cannot get group colors working :/
  6. Offline


    i use essentials for that fun stuff. In it is a config for changing color. I also use bPerms currently.
  7. Offline


    Yea I use essentialsChat too but can NOT get group coloring to work for the life of me! Would you mind posting your configuration?
  8. Offline


    Yeah, sure...here it is:

    My bPerms Groups.yml:

    My Essentials Config.yml:

    Pay attention to the lines in groups.yml where it has the prefix. And make sure the "change-displayname: true" is set in the global options of essentials. Then your prefix's should work.

    When I said I use Essentials, I use the complete core package, not just one or two pieces. However, I do not use Group Manager. The config is under the normal essentials directory.
  9. Offline


    Moved to correct forum.
  10. Offline


    Have you or anyone else had any success in getting the "group-formats" working with PermissionsEX? I have disabled all other formats and enabled the "group-formats" by deleting the # in front. Please help me in figuring this out!
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