Bukkit Help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TH3B3ASTDR4GON, Sep 7, 2014.

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    So I am making a global shout plugin and I was wondering how I can get the players world. player.getWorld() returns a value like CraftWorld{name=Spawn} but I am trying to get just Spawn. Any suggestions? The world will be directly displayed in a message without any modifications (unless needed). Thanks!
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    Moved to plugin development.
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    I'm not entirely sure what your asking, but the getWorld() method is returning the World object, if you want to get the world name you would do
    or if your trying to get the worlds spawn location you could do
    Which returns the Location object where you can get the spawn x, y and z.
    TH3B3ASTDR4GON likes this.
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    Thanks! You solved it! Im a begginer at the bukkit API so I really appreciate the help!
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