Solved Bukkit.getPlayer("MiniDigger") == null ?!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MiniDigger, Jan 3, 2014.

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    Hi guys,
    I have a problem. Bukkit.getPlayer("MiniDigger") does always return null. I tried using different bukkit versions and other methods like Bukkit.getPlayerExact or getServer().getPlayer() but all returning null. And yes I am shure that the plugin is enabled and that I am connected to that server.
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    MiniDigger Before you do something with it make sure it is not null. I think it is case sensitive. Try this.getServer().getPlayer("NAME") and if that does not work try looping through all the players and checking their names.
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    If he isnt online, do Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer("MiniDigger")
  4. Offline


    ccrama he is online
    But after some changings to other parts of the plugin its now working. Strange...
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    MiniDigger hmm, strange. At least you now have it working!
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