bukkit for minecraft 1.0.0

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by steve102.no-ip.biz, Nov 22, 2011.

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  1. when are they going to fricken make bukkit for minecraft 1.0.0 i really need this update
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    There is already a dev build for 1.0.0, learn to read ci.bukkit.org..
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    Also please learn to search
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    If you talk like that - no one should really give you support at all. Your privileged to have Bukkit - people put a lot of time and effort into making it, it is not a right.

    But, I'm nice...
    Be patient. There is already development build on http://ci.bukkit.org. These builds are unrecommended and not supported. Use them at your own risk.

    A Recommended Build for Craftbukkit will be out when it is out. There will be an update on the main page when this happens. You can also follow the progress @Craftbukkit on twitter.
    steve102.no-ip.biz likes this.
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    Basically everrthing @shadrxninga has said, please be patient and if you really need to have a Bukkit server for 1.0 now use a development build.

    Locking this thread now.
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