[bukkit dev statement needed] I somehow busted the mobspawning limits

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DeMaggo, Oct 13, 2013.

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    Solved! The flag "setRemoveWhenFarAway" set to false causes this.

    Greetings everyone,

    for no apparent reason, my plugin seems to disable the spawning limits for mobs on my test- and mainserver. You usually have a very limited amount of mobs in a chunk and these block the generation of new ones. As it is now, this blocking seems to be greatly decreased. On about 1000 Chunks, many of them not even allowing to spawn mobs, we reach about 5000 mobs in a minute.

    I'm not even generating mobs myself, just "putting helmets on new ones heads".

    The plugin has been compiled with bukkit 1.6.2 R 1.0.

    Hoping for a headsup,
  2. Offline


    DeMaggo can you give us the code of your plugin?
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