Bukkit and online-mode=false

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by hawkfalcon, Oct 10, 2012.

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    Friends help:)
  2. Offline


    True, but most of my friends are staff, in which I have to do the same process to them, I wish that Mojang would allow another name under the same "ID", for example I might have the name of RiotShielder and have an ID of 12, if I could add an alias as Riot with the same ID, and bans would be based on ID, not name (IE /ban riotshielder would look up my ID from Mojang then ban is and and any alias with the ID of 12 would be banned), but perms would not carry over. Would be difficult to implement :p
  3. Offline


    Interesting in concept, however whats to stop you from letting your friends use you other 'ID's? Anyways, we're getting offtopic.
  4. Offline


    Well I am sure Mojang has an ID system already, just not in use, for example Notch would be an ID of 1 and my actual ID would be like 531324, when you login to a server then the server would ask a Mojang server what is this aliases ID, mojang would say ID = 21333 then the server would look for bans of the ID of 21333, if no bans then they would be let in, it would be really cool to have.
  5. Offline


    Test with offline mode all you want, its there and has a purpose. If you are doing the sort of testing that requires offline mode (such as another account needed) you won't need to post here for help, and won't be bothered by our policy.
    hawkfalcon likes this.
  6. Offline


    Would be brilliant for a plugin to allow only a certain username to skin the auth process, for example if I want to test perms easily, I would set the name RiotTest with a password of 123456, then I would get a offline client and set the name to RiotTest, when I log into the server and the server would let me without checking if I was a legit account, it would ask the password and I would type 123456, then I would be in until I logout, is this even possible?
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    "Offline mode servers will get no support." I really can't argue the rest of the post because it lacks grammar
    np98765 likes this.
  9. Offline


    ill say one more thing on this you have people who like to use bukkit and if they have a problem with bukkit they have the right to ask for help as long as its offered (which it is) I see nothing in the rules that say if you use offline mode we wont help and if any one asks for help and says offline mode they are shut down...closing down threads for someone asking for help when no rule was broken is wrong..
    they come here they make a name they use bukkit they ask for help(even if they read the rules it dont say nothing about offline)they are shut down
    either put it in the rules or offer help making up rules to suit you OPINION is a god complex..again minecraft offers offline mode its not illegal for the game but its illegal here as opinion
  10. Offline


    "Offline mode servers will get no support."
    Don't know what is not clear about that, Also it is usually illegal, because people who play on offline mode servers are generally pirates
  11. Offline


    nice yelling and no its not illegal its offered by mine craft not as a bukkit property if minecraft wants it illegal they can just remove it until then its legal
  12. Offline


    I don't know how I yelled via text, and yes it is illegal at times, and the only reason for offline-mode: false is to use it while not connected to the internet/sessions are down. It is illegal when people abuse offline-mode: false to have cracked servers, you cannot argue logic.
  13. Offline


    and thats fine you dont have to offer help others might thats your opinion loool making up rules to suit yourself loool

    who are you to say what online mode is made for what are you notch now and if minecraft wants to sue cracked servers thats not your business

    like i said i dont use it but dont due a double standard just based on your opinion

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
    zombierevolver likes this.
  14. Offline


    I would recommend you stop arguing on this subject:)
    np98765 likes this.
  15. Offline


    I am not saying what it is used for, I am saying what it is usually LEGALLY used for, and I don't know where you are getting this idea of suing cracked servers, because they are not the problem persay, it's the clients that connect to them, and I am not debating Mojang, I am debating BUKKITS POLICY! You are on the Bukkit forums, and you said that asking about cracked servers is fine, here is a little pic to prove it is NOT fine.

    I would, but I prefer to educate people :p, maybe he will get a little experience from this, any if the mods disagree, there is a way to bulk delete

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
    afistofirony likes this.
  16. Offline


    policy loool show me in the rules or a terms of service not in a help guide that is burried in the forum and remember there is no bukkit without minecraft
  17. Offline


    It is stickied and written by an ADMIN, and I beg a differ, there is no Minecraft without Bukkit, they would not be popular without each other.
    np98765 likes this.
  18. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    Your responses indicate you aren't caring to read posts you reply to, or care about even formatting your own posts. Please stop replying to this topic, you clearly have no idea what's going on.
    RiotShield likes this.
  19. Offline


    lool bax i do know whats going on your enforcing a rule that is not listed and shutting down threads of users of bukkit
    again as stated its an opinion of the mods here to decide what they help with again put it in the rules
  20. Offline


    Are you that ignorant? Do you not see the big green "Moderator" next to his name?

    Edit: It is in the rules, refer to post #47
  21. Offline


    i dont care about the big moderator name if hes wrong hes wrong all im saying is some one comes here says they have a java problem and if they state they are offline you dont help that is wrong whether hes in online or offline he is still using bukkit and still needs help with the program offered here
  22. Offline


    They are not offering support to offline servers because the users are CRACKED and that is ILLEGAL, the support is offered to legitimate customers of Minecraft, not people who cannot spare 26$ yet can afford a computer/OS/internet/electricity to play it
  23. Offline


    Is the word of the admins and every moderator on these forums not good enough? Link to one of the dozens of posts that have it clearly stated.

    Locking this thread. There is no need to debate this topic, as it is not up for debate.
    hawkfalcon and afistofirony like this.
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