Bukkit and EXTREME lag spikes

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by xeology, Feb 18, 2011.

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    i resolved my issue with some performance tweaks and more bad plugins of course.

    Java is a capable language, but not for intense games. Java is slow and chunky is performance with massive programs such as this. (even though it would work better if it were cleaner)

    Basicly you wouldnt program world of warcraft in visual basic and you wouldnt code mozilla in pyhton.

    Some languages just out preform others with certain applications, theres a reason why the video game industry has been using c++ or similar, (OR c++ based engines) for YEARS,

    but thats just my opinion lol, notch is just in it for the money, if he were in it for anything else he would have done all the fixes first before new content and would have done them right.
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    Actually, I've seen even bigger games written in Java. Video games by mainstream developers are typically written in C++ because the whole professional programming industry using it, and the reason for that is because it's the successor to C. In another generation, everything will be written in whatever follows Java.
    Further, while C++ is faster than Java (and not in every case) it is more complex than it has to be. Java was - in part - developed to take the power of C++ while leaving behind the needless complexity. Also, C++ lacks multi-threading. This didn't matter much 20 years ago, but it does now. It also lacks garbage collection, which has always been relevant. You know what has both multi-threading and garbage collection? Java, again.
    Finally, it's even easier to make bad code in C++ than in Java.

    I don't mean to bash C++ while putting Java on a pedestal, just throwing stuff out there.
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    I think the server should be programmed in COBOL, as its easy to write and easy to read. It is a tried and true language, and super secure - your bank uses it!
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    And silly me turned down that opportunity to learn COBOL because it was only for business programming.
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    I actually learnt it in University. :(
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