Bukkit and Dropbox?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Chrisski3, Jan 18, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Would it be possible to run a Bukkit server in Dropbox? For those who don't know what Dropbox is, it's a program that stores files in over several devises. It's basically a Cloud program. It would be great because then I could back up my worlds in the. Loud and Accsess it anywhere.
  2. Offline


    You could however free dropbox only holds 2 gigs unless you invite people. Your server might exceed that.
  3. Offline


    You can use a backupscript which stores your world there but you still need a OS, dropbox is only a storage...
  4. Offline


    I got the server running in Dropbox right now, and im working at rising the storage amount to at least 8GB. Would that even be enough?
  5. Offline


    Well, "running" a server on dropbox would be an inappropriate term.
    You can sync the server folder with dropbox, yes.
    But I'm unsure if the resulting bandwith usage would be worth it. Every time anything get's updated, dropbox makes a sync.
    Maybe syncing just the backup folder would be better. Just be careful with your storage usage.
  6. Offline


    Ill mess around with it, and see what I can do. Im trying this because my Computer that the server was running on is dieing. So im replacing it in case it dies soon.
  7. Offline


    Don't sync your whole Minecraft folder with Dropbox. There are way too many chunk updates - you'd be constantly syncing new data, and if you're server were to crash, you'd have all sorts of mismatched world data in your Dropbox. Sync the backups folder.
  8. Offline


    An I supposed to have a back up folder?...
  9. If your running a public server, yes. Or else when your server harddisk crashes or a plugin finds a way to corrupt your world you will have no backup. :)
  10. Offline


    How do I get the Backup folder? does it require additional set up to automatically save the world there?
  11. Offline


    I got a Plugin working that backs up my files to my other computer with a Terabyte Drive. so thats solved I think
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