Bukkit 960 Server Failure no error

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Sladewill, Jul 5, 2011.

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    1 - Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
    2 - 32bit
    3 - Java version 1.6.0_24, Runtime environment 1.6.0_24-b07, Hotspot Client VM build 19.1-b02, mixed mode, sharing
    4 - No
    5 - 960
    6 - java.exe -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit.jar
    7 - afkkick, antixray, appleseed, bedrock, colorme, craftirc, dailybonus, deathmessage, falsebook(all), fencedoor, iauction, iconomy, iconomychestshop, loginmessage, lwc, mcmmo, minecraftviewer, myhome, nocheat, nscommand, plgdisablecmd, plgsetspawn, prefixer, regionmarket, schedueled announcer, simplewarp, teslacoil, tombstone, toolnotifer, treeassist, updateinfo, vanishnopickup, worldedit, worldguard(5.2.2), zpermissions(due to failure or permissions).
    8 - No errors random crash in which the console displays no error no commands can be sent to the server and the window running the server must be closed in which it only stops the server not always the java virtual machine. This takes quite a while for it to cause this and the server really lags before finally giving up and getting a read out error on the client.
    9 - Vanilla Server
    10 - Vanilla server works without failure,
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