Buildcraft for bukkit?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by wixit_fora, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hi guys

    I realy need this mod but it is only made for NON bukkit servers as i know of.


    You can make pipes that can transport droped stuff.
    You can connect the pipes to furnaces, chests and the mining machine.
    some pipes can collect stuff 1 block away others work like oneway direction, boosters

    See this link for more detailed information

    Please do this mod!
    stefa168 likes this.
  2. Offline


    yes please i agree
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    Thank you Kiwii but everyone that joins the server has to install some mods before it will work :/
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    Maybe transport items through glass? I know that items can be inside a glass block. (it is very annoying)
    Not sure if items are represented as entities which you can move.
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    Ummm... First no need to be so rude, second that link says it is not possible with out client mods. As I am working on a system that allows things such as this I think I know what I am talking about
  9. Offline


    You could probably do it with glass for pipes, but it would be annoying to make, though probably possible without a client mod, though a lot of features wouldn't be possible.
  10. Offline


    and again.. look up item craft that is exactly what im telling you.. item craft allows you to use client/smp mods togheter with bukkit...
  11. Offline


    Their API is terrible. Look up spout. Spout will work much better when we add the support
  12. Offline


    i hope so.. also i hope it wil be updated with latest modloader MP as item craft's build in modloader isnt compatible with the only 2 mods i want >_>
    buildcraft(not neccesery but i want) and redpower / redstonewire
  13. Offline


    You could use Sprout :p
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    And you can't add blocks yet with spout
  15. Offline


    Hmm.... well u could use it after a few updates then :)
  16. Offline


    I know, Im a part of the spout dev team
  17. I'm curious to know if any devs of the more popular mods like buildcraft, industrial, equivalent exchange etc have been contacted and made aware of spout, and if they're willing to port it or alternatively release source so others can do it
  18. Offline


    It would be possible to only implement the serverpart of BuildCraft in a plugin, then people don't need to add .class files to craftbukkit.jar, for running a server, it's much easier to manage plugins ;)
  19. Offline


    :O are you THE Alta189??? wow!!!
  20. Offline


    This is an old thread.. but if anyone is still looking for this, Buildcraft has been since ported to CraftBukkit by MC Port Central. Of course, it requires all users mod their client. It doesn't support Spout (or the now discontinued ItemCraft), it seems not many major mods have adopted Spout, but rather use Minecraft Forge / ModLoader, which does let you add custom blocks etc., today. I run the Buildcraft port on my server and it works well:


    However, a pure server-side-only plugin with a similar purpose as Buildcraft could be very interesting. Without client mods, as suggested above, glass or other existing materials could be used to represent Buildcraft-ish pipes (or pneumatic tubes (as in RedPower2) or conveyer belts (as in MineFactory Reloaded)). Items could be transferred along pipes by changing the velocity and location of the item drop entities. Anyone know of a plugin that does anything like this, or want to take up the challenge and make one?
  21. Offline


    Looks like MachinaCraft is about as close as you can get in a server-side-only plugin. Specifically, it's MachinaFactory module has pipes you can build out of wooden planks and use to transport items between chests and other containers. Interesting.
  22. Offline


    This is a really good idea. A little late, but here's my take on it: BetterDispensers 2.0. I'm not actually moving item entities through the glass (seems like that would cause too much lag and not be worth it), just teleporting them to their endpoint, but it works fairly well.

    You can use the "conduits" as I call them to pull items from chests:


    and to push items into the conduits, connected via a wooden plank (similar to Buildcraft's Wooden Transport Pipe):


    I also managed to add automatic crafting, block breaking, item using, and vacuuming (like Buildcraft's Vacuum Pipes, sucking up items), but of course it isn't as comprehensive as Buildcraft.
  23. Offline


    Have you considered changing from a bukkit server to a tekkit server?

    It can still use bukkit plugins but also has all the mods of the technic pack like build craft and industrial craft.
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