Build on command

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by EpicCraft21, Feb 3, 2015.

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    Hi, I'm working on a plugin that requires a set lobby command that will autobuild a lobby. The problem is, I don't know how to. I already searched this up on bukkit but didn't get anything I wanted. So basically, here is my code.

    Public Boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String s, String[] args){
    //build lobby code here
    Note that I am writing this on an IPad :p
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    @EpicCraft21 Well you can't really expect people to write the code for you without you trying at all... Put some effort into trying and we'll help you with your code, but we won't write it for you.
  3. Well, create a new location x,y,z,world with a /lobbyset command and then with /lobby commmand just teleport the player to the x,y,z,world location.

    You could save the location in config
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    No, he wants it to build a lobby when the command is typed.
  5. @nverdier oh ok. well I never used block generator so... I can't help you
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    Well the only reason I asked is because I don't know how to at all, so I guess I'll just tell someone else to make this. How do I lock this thread?
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    Locked on request.

    Just report your first post with something like "Requesting lock" and a member of staff will handle it.
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