Bug Patch

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by xendacine, May 3, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    Dear devs and other readers

    Since I own a server, I know that there are a lot of bugs and hacks, but hackers can make your life very difficult. So normally (untill minecraft 1.8), you could just go ahead and ban them by username or by ip adress. But now hackers can just change capitals in there names to be able to avoid any ban system, or (on factions have 2 diffrent accounts with same name)
    A lot of exploids are now based on this very small bug.

    So I was wondering if any dev would be able to create a patch that disallows the following situation:
    A player with names Example EXample EXAmple... Cause it drives me crazy that they keep comming back.

    Cause if they change the capitals, there inventory stays the same, but they avoided the ban, so... They can continue without any problems like nothing happend.

    I hope someone can make the life of every cracked server owner and player a lot easyer and make some hot fix for this problem

    Sincerly greats
  2. Moved to Bukkit Alternates.

    @xendacine Are you sure you have this issue? It seems like something that Mojang would have thought of.
  3. Offline


    Yes i am defenatly sure that i experience this problem.
    It is mojang's mistake introducing UUID
    I would more likely to see that I don't see 50hackers back, I come online they say: hey owner I ban them, next day they say hey again with other Capitals

    So yes I do
  4. It the issue is its a cracked server @xendacine

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