Plugin category: Mechnical Minecraft version: 1.12.2 Suggested name: breedingTweaks What I want: I would like a plugin that would send a chat message to the player when they tries to breed animals, including a breeding chance and remove xp orb. Requirements: -breeding chance -failed and succeed messages -remove exp orb spawns when breeding is successful. config.yml #chance breeding attempt would fail chance: 0.5 #message sent when breeding failed breedingFailed: "&cYour breeding attempt failed." #message sent when breeding succeed breedingSucceed: "&cYour breeding attempt succeed." # removeXP - true will automatically remove any experience orbs drops when breeding is successful. removeXP: true Commands/Permissions: none Thank you for reading.
Here is the plugin. As per your request, there are no commands or permissions, only a configuration file with the desired options.
What's funny is I was randomly scrolling down spigot and someone did make this...