Breaking Blocks Error

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by AlexHH251997, Aug 15, 2013.

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    Hey guys,

    I am trying to make a plugin that allows you to break, leaves and brown/red mushrooms but with the current code you can not break anything and I would like to know why this is happening. I have tried many things and have still not came out successful, this is the current code:
    1. public void onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent e){
    2. Player p = e.getPlayer();
    3. Material m = e.getBlock().getType();
    4. if(Main.inGamePlayers.containsKey(p)){
    5. if(m != Material.LONG_GRASS || m != Material.BROWN_MUSHROOM || m != Material.RED_MUSHROOM || m != Material.LEAVES){
    6. e.setCancelled(false);
    7. }
    8. }else{
    9. e.setCancelled(true);
    10. }
    11. }

    If you have a solution or idea's please let me know.

    Regards, Alex
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    AlexHH251997 You have a } just above the else statement, try removing it and putting it under e.setCancelled(true);
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    Loogeh that connects to "if(Main.inGamePlayers.containsKey(p)){" so you can not remove it.

    Regards, Alex
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    What is the check on line 4 supposed to do? Because it likely evaluates to false each time.
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    AlexHH251997 Can I see where you add people to that map? By the looks of it it's cancelling everything because that doesn't contain you.

    EDIT: What type of data is stored in the key of the map? You're testing for a player object but you should really be storing the player's name as a string to avoid memory leaks.
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    It checks that in the all of the InGamePlayers are actually players (p) not entities.
    By this you mean teleporting people to the map?

    Regards, Alex
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    AlexHH251997 why do you need to test if they're players? Doing Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers() returns an array of the online players.
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    It is the way I have been doing it for a while and its the way I have done it now. I did not think to use Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers() but I may do in the future.

    Regards, Alex
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