Bow Brawl

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Ck1000MC, Dec 26, 2014.

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    Hello everyone, I'm back with another request. For once, this plugin isn't a big one and shouldn't be too hard to code.
    ===THE GAME===
    The game itself is called Bow Brawl. It's where you equip different arrows (with cooldowns, of course) to pummel your opponents in a set arena. You set lobbies, spawnpoints, and the endpoint. On spawn, you get a bow with infinity 1, and 1 arrow (the arrow changes it's name when you select a new type of arrow). You can left click the bow to change the arrow type. Arrow list below. Each arrow has a certian cooldown. During this cooldown, you can equip new arrows and use them. When you die, you are sent to the endpoint (or mabye a spectator mode thing would be cool), and your items (from the game) are deleted. You join the game using a join sign. Information below.
    ===ARROW TYPES===
    >Normal Arrow
    0 Seconds
    Shoot a normal arrow.
    >Fire Arrow
    4 Seconds
    Shoot an ignited arrow.
    >Poison Arrow
    9 Seconds
    Shoot an arrow with poison, target gets poison 1 for 3.5 seconds.
    >Web Arrow
    16 Seconds
    Shoot an arrow that encases it's target in webs. Webs last 4.5 seconds.
    >Mob Arrow
    13 Seconds
    Shoot an arrow that can spawn 1 of these mobs in front of the target: Zombie, Skeleton, Spider, Silverfish or Medium Sized Slime.
    >Ice Arrow
    10 Seconds
    Shoot an ice arrow that slows target for 4 seconds.
    Commands/perm are normal minigame stuff, so do it the way you want.

    Thanks for reading and thanks so much to whoever will make this!
  2. Offline


    Dont say if its big or easy to code if you cant code.
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  4. Offline


    Do you join the server with all these arrows, or are there ranks and stuff where members get the normal and admins get the ice?
  5. Offline


    This is a MINIGAME plugin, lol. The commands and permissions can be whatever you want if your going to do this.
  6. Offline


    Ok. It's just that I don't make much mini game plugins, this should be a good start:D
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  8. Offline


    I will try, but if you are making it too, you probably should continue because I'm not very good at this stuff.
  9. Offline


    @EpicCraft21 haha, im going to sit back on this one :p

    EDIT: Shouldnt you be in school?
  10. Offline


    Yeah, that's why most of my posts say "working on an iPad", because I'm already done the work. This post is probably going to get deleted for off topic though lol.
  11. Offline


  12. Offline


    I know, it's just random stuff.
  13. Offline


    Lol how's the plugin going
    If EpicCraft can't do it, would you be willing to make This?
  14. Offline


    @Ck1000MC Well @EpicCraft21 and I are both 14.. so we were in school when we were talking.. I just got home, I doubt he started it
  15. Offline


    Hey, uh...
    I think you should make it.
    My computer got corrupted and all data is erased, but I can't access it at all.
    So, I'm screwed.
    Only way I can continue is use the school's computer, but I rarely get to use those.
  16. Offline


    Oh great. Well, there goes this plugin since XgXX said he wasnt gonna do it! XD
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    Does that mean you will make it :O :D?
  19. Offline


    Swagswagswag!! Have a cake!![cake][cake][cake]
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  22. Offline


    @Ck1000MC nope :/ got my server to attend too plus I've gone to spigot
  23. Offline


    Oh. Well my server is Spigot too, I posted this before they came out with the "different from bukkit" section in the forums
  24. Moved to Bukkit Alternates.
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  26. Cleaned up thread.

    @Ck1000MC You would need to find a new developer for this. @XgXXSnipz Saying you will do it and now just saying you will keep it private is not a reason to continue to bump a thread. Just one post will do "I am sorry, I am off this project."
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