BossBar, ActionBar and Title Help

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ewrs, Jun 21, 2018.

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    Hi guys. I need your help. Since I'm new, I do not know how to correctly use BossBar and Title. Could you put an example of the Animated BossBar and Adnimated Title? I need it very much. Even if possible ActionBar)
    In short, all kinds of animated NMS.

    Sorry for my english, he's not the best. :oops:

    Thanks for the help!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @ewrs What do you need exactly? What have you tried?
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    @timtower, I need example of animated Title and BossBar.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Example? What have you tried? Nobody will just spoon feed the required code.
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    I just need an example of an animated title, for I can not find anywhere
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Nobody will spoon feed it just like that.
    Do you have a normal title already?
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    I don't mean to interrupt, but isn't it sometimes good to give new coders a way to learn by giving example code and explaining how it works?

    See even if they copy and paste it as you say they will do it on their server, sooner or later they will need to change it to add personality to it. With the need to do this they will have to come back to this thread and read what you have to say to learn it and better understand how to manipulate it.

    Know I feel like you will say, "Well what if they don't even look back at this and just copied and pasted and never want to customize it?" And to that I say, That isn't a real Java Bukkit coder. Real coders love to manipulate to make code their own. I do the same thing so I should know.

    Again I'm not trying to start an argument or anything, I just thought it was worth sharing.

    EDIT: The third paragraph can be misinterpreted. What I mean by, they aren't real coders, is they don't want to learn how to really code. They just want to code something and never learn code again. If someone was serious about coding they wouldn't just copy and paste with no mind of what exactly each line does. It's important as Java coders to know that other coders would like to learn things they don't understand. A GREAT example of this is in this thread.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @CommonSenze You can push them into the right direction indeed, but they should show effort in my opinion.
    Which I don't see here.
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    I completely understand and agree with that.
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    in short, I can not wait for help ...
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Make a plugin request then.
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    Sorry. I just need an example of how to make an animation in TitleBar. I can not find anywhere, I found, only how to send information there, but how to make the animation, I do not know ...
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @ewrs What do you have so far?
    Do you have a non-animated title already?
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    Lets assume you have already know how to send titles. Then, do the following:
    1. Create a List of all of the "frames" of the title. Add all of the messages for each frame in the order you want them displayed.
    2. When you want to start displaying the titles, create a BukkitRunnable. Set the delay to be equal to the amount of time you want each frame to be displayed.
    3. In it, create an int. This represents the frame you are currently at. Set it equal to 0.
    4. Then, send the title. Use the int from #3 to get the string from the list at #1.
    5. After sending the message, increment the int and mod it by then size of the list (so it goes back to the first frame after it is at the end) so it will get the next frame the next time the runnable is called.
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    Hello, thanks for the help, but as I said, I'm new and I need an example, everything else is complicated.
    I apologize for my dullness ...
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Nobody will just give you code.
    Make a plugin request if you want this.
    Or show some effort.
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    You didn't have to do the boy like that. That made me laugh so hard.
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