Bookshelf read/write plugin revival

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by OrtwinS, Sep 28, 2011.

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    Hi all,

    I know there is a multitude of bookshelf plugins availeble, but they are ALL out of date, or not working as simple as I want it.

    How it could/should work:
    - right-click, book appears in chat (10 lines max)

    Write/edit books:
    - rightclick bookshelf (displays the current content, or '-empty book-')
    - enter command /book write
    - type [line number]:[text]
    example: '3:This chapter will tell you all about animal breeding'
    - /book close

    other commands:
    (after selecting by rightclick) /book clear
    /book lock (so player B cannot rewrite books locked by player A, B can read though)
    /book help

    Similar plugins in existance:
    IOBookcase, uses awkward sign placing for every line you want to write, outdated
    Bookmessage, has no way of editing or even deleting bookshelves and their text, outdated
    Bookshelves, reads only a sign you placed on the shelf, so its essentially useless, outdated

    Shelfspeak, does actually something very close to what I want! but its outdated :(, and I'd like there to be only 1 book (10 lines) in each shelf, not an infinite ammont like shelfspeak has.

    Optional extra: require 1 incsack to acquire shelf ownership (after which you can write/rewrite indefintely)

    I hope someone will pick this up!
  2. Offline


    bumb, was pushed to second page in a matter of minutes.

    This is not a difficult plugin, have a go at it!
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  4. Offline


    Bookworm writes in books, I want to write in Bookshelves, so I can fill my libraries with stories, hide magic spells in an old castle, write little tutorials ingame etc.
  5. Offline


    You can put this books into boohshelves^^
  6. Offline


    EDIT: This post is a little off-topic :p

    I love bookworm

    The only thing I would love more (as far as a plugin) is if bookshelves could hold an inventory of books, and reject non book items/blocks (wait... does bookworm already do this?).

    The only thing i would love more than that is if we could write in the actual book display item. In SMP of course :)
  7. Offline


    The book display item, thats called a bookshelf, and thats exactly what I'm asking, writing in bookshelves, it has been done before, but its all outdate/weird UI, hence the 'revival' in the topic title :p
  8. Offline


    BookWorm allows you do put books in bookshelves.
  9. Offline


    I apoligize, I had only read the first paragraph, that said you could write in books, and it makes books unstackable.

    "This plugin lets you read and write to the actual book items, rather than just affecting bookshelf blocks. The books' text will actually be stored with the book item."

    For me, it implied it had nothing to do with bookshelves. You might want to change something in that first paragraph.

    I just read the entire description... you. are. genius.
    I will certainly use this :D

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