Bone meal on sand

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Madness, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I looked in the Growbie/LongGrass docs for this functionality (and that's the only fuctionality I'm interested in) but there seems to be no plugin that created dead shrubs when using bone meal on sandy areas. Ideally it should work like tall grass on grass blocks, but with a much lower chance to actually spawn a shrub, to the point that half the time you waste the bone meal.

    Am I missing something?
  2. Offline


  3. Offline


    ill look it to it it will be my first full written plugin but ive got a good idea how to do it im on vacation at the moment but will get to work on it tomorrow
  4. I'm actually interested in seeing this happen, it'd be a nice further use for bone meal.
  5. Offline


    sry but this will have to wait to i get back from vacation i do not have the software needed to work on it download speed here are horrible. so maybe it will be done on next week. One last thing do u want a radius around or just the block you use it on.
  6. Offline


    emulating the effect it has on grass should be fine.

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