Plugin category: Fun Suggested name: BlocksBroken What I want: I'd like to have a plugin that puts the amount of blocks you have broken with a certain pickaxe on the name of the pickaxe EXAMPLE: I named a pickaxe Miner Name: "Miner &7[Blocks Broken: <amount> I only really need this for pickaxes, its for my prison server INFO: I want it in the name not the lore! Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin. Ideas for permissions: No permissions needed for this plugin. When I'd like it by: When ever possible
Jduffygames <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> Just rename any pick to Miner and mine away into the sunset
[quote uid=90875889 name="Onlineids" post=2768353]Jduffygames <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> Just rename any pick to Miner and mine away into the sunset[/quote] Could you make it work with all names :? And thanks a lot for coding it!! EDIT: Can you also make it so it does not change Miner to &6Miner? My players like to rename there pickaxes with color and don't want it to be changed Just the mined blocks part please
Jduffygames Don't think that will be possible seeing as I have to look at the number of blocks broken on the pickaxe's name so I would need to know the actual name of the pick, unless you want me to add it to the lore.
Could there mabye be a scoreboard on the side or something, I saw a server with it and I thought it would be really cool
What? Just get the display name and replace blocks broken: and the old broken int to "" and then set the display name.
ChipDev So if the name was 'Pickaxe Blocks Broken: 72' the int would be 'Pickaxe 72' yea I don't think it works like that.
Umm.. Code:java String s = pickaxe.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().replace("Blocks broken:", "", blocksBroken.toString(), "");
Onlineids The space counts. Just parse the last word in the String array so like, Integer.parseInt(array[array.length -1]);
Jduffygames I haven't done any Bukkit coding in a while so hopefully <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> I was testing it out myself and it seemed to be working fine. You can name the pickaxe anything you want; the blocks broken amount is added to the very end of the name on any pickaxe.
[quote uid=90646977 name="izarooni" post=2770791]Jduffygames I haven't done any Bukkit coding in a while so hopefully <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url> I was testing it out myself and it seemed to be working fine. You can name the pickaxe anything you want; the blocks broken amount is added to the very end of the name on any pickaxe.[/quote] Ooooo It works awesome :3 ! If it isnt to much trouble could you make it work with axes, and shovels?
Jduffygames Updated. Just re-download from the same link above. ChipDev timtower [quote uid=87695 name="timtower" post=2771099]Decompiler?[/quote] I don't mind giving out my sources. Just ask. <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
izarooni maybe you can add WorldGuard support to it Because if im not op and i break a block it will still give another count to brocken blocks fix this plzz