Block_Flow/Block_FromTo not calling on last "Flow"

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ZeePal, Mar 28, 2011.

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    Hello Guys,

    I'm not sure if this is a bug or my coding [fire] but I thought I should check here first.

    When I register an event for Block_Flow/Block_FromTo I get all the calls expected except for the last set of block(s) they flow onto (as in the last row of water as it were).

    I have attached screenshots of the test I am doing with the output from a test plugin I have written.

    Here are the links for my test plugins jar and source code:
    Source Code

    Can someone please help me to get a function call when the water/lava flows onto the last set of block(s) (or if its a bug so I can report it to be fixed)?

    Attached Files:

  2. Offline


    BlockFromToEvents have 2 blocks in them.

    The event only triggers when water/lava flows from one block into another block.

    event.getBlock() gives you the block the flow is from
    event.getToBlock() gives you the block that the flow is flowing into

    event.getFace() would tell you which face the water is flowing through.

    Your problem is that you are only looking at the "from" blocks. Since the last blocks don't flow into some other block, there is no event for those.
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    Thank you so much!! I'm such an idiot.... :eek:
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