Block and Item With spout

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by okami35, Oct 26, 2011.

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    Hello all,
    I would want to know is is it possible to create weapon/armor with spout?
    And, is it possible to create stairs or slab?

    Thank you for your help
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    To answer your question, Yes, it's possible.
  3. Offline


    Thank you for your help.
    But How?
    Acutally, I implement GenericCustomItem or GenericCubeCustomBlock.
    Do you have an example?
    Wich classes should i use?

    Thank you
  4. Offline


    You'd be better off asking in the actually Spout thread if you'd like an answer from the guys who work on that part of SpoutAPI.
  5. Offline


    Thank you
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