could some of you devs make a plugin to generate trees in different ways like huge trees like these or generate trees like the more trees mod
wow, I'm interested in this as well. I dont want them spawning by themselves though, I would like a manual area (radius) and single tree (with some size parameter) commands.
am i a coder? i wish i tried to make a plugin but its very hard :/ im the idea man there should be a bukkit rank for that 'Idea man'
you using this one guys vids : thats the first java tut there are 50 good luck
im sad im on like 3 ur 17 im only 14 and 111 at the same time EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
i did and mine is more wrong im 111 do you have a server EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Guys, this thread wont get any responces from 'real' plugin devs if you use it for casual chat... You are sabotaging your own request/suggestion.
so anyway back to the actualy point of this plugin as seen above ^, Those kind of big trees would be cool plus nther trees would be a very good thing as that would allow you to almost live in the nether, are you asking for a new block type? if not this for a dev would be easier to make, a tree gen plugin that makes bigger trees on a command maybe and automatic tree gen in the nether hope all that ^ helped
What if those Nether trees had glowstone instead of leaves. Also this should be command free and they should spawn very rarely.
Yeah I have iGrow running on one of my worlds and netherrack is spreading from portals and turning leaves into glowstone.. fun stuff [edit] it also turns logs into redstone ore though
ah that would be annoying as hell having loads of redstone ore :/ but still stick to the big tree idea no plugin has that yet be nice to have one that did, it would become popular quickly haha
Yeah that was kind of the point. The players are supposed to stop the corruption. Anyhow three votes for this concept. I'd love those giant trees spawning... perhaps the thread title should be BiggerTrees.
i was just thinking of glowstone for leaves for nether trees and obsidian for trunks and maybe even lava comming off the trees im chaning it now is anybody here a java programer EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
*like* But it should always be configurable to let BiggerTrees auto-spawn or not. Under no circumstance do I want a plugin that goes about changing my map without my knowledge.
wait what do you guys think the title should be BiggerTrees or something else like RealWorld ortwins is right it there should be an on/off switch EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
ortwins do you know java or learning it it could generate the terrain differently if you go out far enough and turn it in to Avatar this is going to be an epic plugin i wish i could be building it now if you did go out far enough it could start generating like this View attachment 3615 EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
yh but all good with the new ideas but no one actually is a dev to make this so no point in adding ideas until we have someone who can