Better Skyblock Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by TheMattVid, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Currently, the best skyblock plugin is USkyblock, but it still has its bugs and rarely receives an update. I would like a better system than the one currently used. Here is the basic outline:
    /is Create new island; return to existing island.
    /is create Create new island.
    /is delete Delete existing island.
    /is home Return to existing island.
    /is top Top island list.
    /is help List island commands.
    /is allow move* Allow movement for visiting players.
    /is deny move Deny movement for visiting players.
    /is allow push Allow visiting players to push buttons.
    /is deny push* Deny visiting players to push buttons.
    /is allow step Allow visiting players to step on pressure plates.
    /is deny step* Deny visiting players to step on pressure plates.
    /is rollback <player> <time> Rollback all editing by specifie player within specified time.
    /is leave Leave another player's party.
    /is info List information about island (members, level, etc)
    /is allow switch Allow visiting players to pull levers.
    /is deny switch* Deny visiting players to pull levers.
    /is allow open Allow visiting players to open doors.
    /is deny open* Deny visiting players to open doors.
    /is invite <player> Invite a player to join party.
    /is kick <player> Kick player off island.
    /is accept Accept a request to join an island.
    /is reject Reject a request to join an island.
    /is allow kill Allow visiting players to kill island mobs.
    /is deny kill* Deny visiting players to kill island mobs.
    /is allow break Allow visiting players to break blocks.
    /is deny break* Deny visiting players to break blocks.
    /is sethome Set "/is home" point.
    /is allow pvp Allow visiting players to pvp.
    /is deny pvp* Deny visiting players to pvp.
    /is biome Change biome of islands.
    /is allow dye Allow visiting players to dye sheep.
    /is deny dye* Deny visiting players to dye sheep.
    /is allow inventory Allow visiting players to access horse inventory.
    /is deny inventory* Deny visiting players to access horse inventory.
    /is swap <player> Send a request to swap island positions.
    /is yes Accept a swap request.
    /is no Reject a swap request.
    /is newleader <player> Makes another player the leader of the island.
    /is reload Reload the plugin configuration.
    /is update Update the list of top islands.
    /is delete <player> Delete an island and its region information.
    /is remove <player> Remove a player from an island party.
    /is clearold <timeindays> Delete islands not edited in the certain time frame.
    /is info <player> View info about another player's island.
    /is boot <player>
    Remove a player from any island party.

    -A top island list
    -Possibility of signs showing top islands list (one island per sign, like <rank> <user> <level>
    -The default biome is plains
    -Skyblock world generates when plugin initialized
    -Lockettes can be broken by island's owner
    -Island swapping has one day cooldown.

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