Hello, I wish to request better chat commands to implement in a server. I have already checked out some plugins like "LocalChat" and "Chatchannels" but it is not really what I'm looking for. What I would want to see: /L for local chat. The whole line would be in a specific colour (purple perhaps) It would not reach further than 20 blocks. Ex. Yihka says: Hello /s for shout. The whole line would be in the same colour as the local chat. It can reach atleast 50 blocks. Ex. Yihka shouts: Hello!! /me for emotes. The whole line would be in the same colour as the local chat. It can reach the same distance as the local chat. Ex. *Yihka Hello The standard chat would be global and reach as far as possible. This is due to new players not knowing these commands and those needs help. Of course in the .properties files you can SetStandardChat=local / global /g for global chat. This is not needed if the standard chat is global. global does not change the way the text looks, it uses the standard colour name and text. This is a small suggestion but it would definately help my server a lot! Thank you for reading.