Hello So, soon I am going to re-open my server. But it has been down for a few months now so a lot of things I used to know are now totally outdated! A major hump in the road for me is what permissions plugin should I use now? Permissions? bPermissions? PermissionsEx? PermissionsBukkit? Theres too many to chose from, and I'm not sure of the best. I want a good all-round permissions plugin which includes all the basics. Customisable groups, with prefixes, and ineritences etc. I want the one that is used in most plugins out there, so its almost garunteed to be used everywhere, like good old Permissions once was. Please throw suggestions my way, Thanks, Jojo.
I would definitely not recommend Permissions or PermissionsBukkit. bPermissions and PermissionsEX are both pretty good, but I personally prefer PermissionsEX
What's wrong with PermissionsBukkit? Too hard for you? Also, I would recommend bPermissions. It's a beast of a plugin.
I recommend bPermissions. Mostly because it's really simple and awesomely noob-friendly, but also because the lead developer (@codename_B) is an awesome guy who helps his users a lot. The ticket system on their page is closely watched.
I don't care much for what is the easiest, I'm experienced enough to learn how to use it -- I just want the permissions plugin which is used by most plugins =)
All of the new permissions plugins work with the majority of the plugins. It all spends on the plugin developer and whether he has hooked into permissions correctly.
I would say bpermissions as it hooks into permissions 3.1.6 so every plugin that supports it will support bperms.
I'm a fan of PermissionsEx which, as far as I have ever understood, is the spiritual successor to the original "Permissions" plugin that so many people used. PEX seems to be the currently most popular permissions plugin, which is why we use it (lots of compatibility), but there has been, for reasons unbeknownst to me, a lot of movement toward bPermissions over the past few months.
No, because last time I had checked it hadn't been updated. Turns out I made an epic failure, and I should have checked that it has been updated recently. My apologies, been off the forum for a while Nonetheless, I would always recommend PEX over PB, through personal preference
I'd guess that practically everyone who weighed in with an opinion has not actually tried the 3 major permissions managers. More than likely, they picked one, it worked and now they recommend it. Not because it is better than the others, but because it works for them. But that is sort of where we're at right now. All three do a good job. I went from Permissions 2.7 to PermissionsBukkit. I stopped using pBukkit because it didn't support prefixes, forcing me to use a 3rd party prefix plugin. bPermissions had it built in, it integrated with all the plugins I was using, and at the time the author of PEX started heading off in a direction contrary to SuperPerms philosophy, and PEX was actually breaking plugins. So I went bPermissions and have not regretted it. My advice - I always recommend bPermissions because PEX's previous decision to head off on his own is a red flag for a server admin who tries to keep things stable, and PermissionsBukkit scores low when considering feature set, ease of use and support.