Best Method

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Wantsome909, Nov 6, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    How do you make changable maps?
    like, Survival games or TF2 how they have changable maps with timers
  2. Offline


    Could you explain what you mean by "changeable maps" a little bit better?
  3. Offline


    like, Survival games or TF2 how they have changable maps with timers. maxben34
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    1. public String getNextMap (List<String> maps) {
    2. if (maps != null && !maps.isEmpty()) {
    3. Collections.shuffle(maps);
    4. return maps.iterator().next();
    5. }
    6. return null;
    7. }
  5. Offline


    You will need to create "arenas". Basically, you need to have the maps premade and put in locations throughout your world. Get the coords of the spawnpoints and if the map is selected, it teleports the players to that arena. Basically you can make a method for each different map, with all the spawn points and whatever else you need, such as teleports etc.
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  7. Offline


    That actually doesn't explain anything... If I'm understanding you correctly, actually using hundreds of servers and bungeecord to switch people between them for the arenas. In the ideal world, people shouldn't be able to manage that, so use multi world. Try my minigame tutorial in the resources section.
    sgavster likes this.
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