Heyo, Looking for a ban plugin that supports temp bans & bans. McBans laggs like hell cause of the terribad query server, looking for a replacement. What do you use? Recommendations?
Yeah, I also moved. MCBans goes down everyday, which lets previously global banned players into the server and their was nothing I could do about it then. I now use FigAdmin. Supports ip bans, kicks, bans and mysql so you can setup a ban page like MCBans (but of course more reliable).
Does it support temp bans? Lovely, thanks. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Now outdated. Still very beta, looking for something more stable phases. Not been updated for some time.
Why would you ever let someone back in that you had to ban once? I've also had some strange issues with MCBans, lagging us all out when their server goes down I think. I generally just load it when I need to ban someone, to make a record of it for others (if they bother to look), then unload it.
I use MCBouncer. It's by the reddit server guys, and doesn't go down every few days and everyone on their staff knows what they're doing. http://mcbouncer.com
http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/figadmin/files/19-fig-admin-v-4-0-15/ It's updated for 1.2.3 RB....