Hey There, I have seen a few servers where when you place a "Bedrock" under any block it turns the block above into a pvp zone. ex) Perhaps I make a pvp area and rather then me making all these region with "WorldGuard" , I could just place a "Bedrock" under a block and boom above that Bedrock its a pvp zone!. It would be great if someone could create this plugin, If so. Thank You Very Much #HYPED
Placing a bedrock below each block of your arena will still be longer than making a region with WoldEdit & WorldGuard If you don't know how to make this with these plugins, use: //wand Left-click an angle of your region Right-click the opposite angle /rg create pvpzone1 /rg flag pvpzone1 pvp allow If you have a __global__ fab denying pvp you might want to do: /rg setpriority pvpzone1 10
Thats not really a problem but if you think about it, placing bedrock is way faster then making all those small regions for an example, What if you have an circle/triangular arena and theres a safe zone all around it, you really cant just make one big region around it. :/ -You could use world edit to place the "Bedrock" -It would make life 10 times easier I mean it would be great if someone could make this for me Thanks for the reply
@SupremeHD Ah, then the plugin must be compatible with worldedit placing, you didn't specify this And WorldEdit supports circular regions if you want (not sure how you use that though, never tried. But a google search will probably help you). Anyway, if you want this plugin done I could try to make it tomorrow. What plugin do you want it to be compatible with? (like what plugins disable PvP in your world such as Essentials or WorldGuard)
Yeah thats it, sorry for not specify this But can you make this plugin compatible with WorldGuard. Once again Thank you sir,
@SupremeHD Would you like it to be when you PLACE a block (or WorldEdit) it makes this a PvP zone? Or when there is a bedrock block under the area then it's a PvP zone (then if you delete it, it won't be a PvP zone anymore)? (or maybe a bedrock block over y = 4 to prevent normal worlds to become PvP) Hope you understood, not sure that was perfectly clear ^^
@au2001 When there is a bedrock block under the area then it's a PvP zone (then if you delete it, it won't be a PvP zone anymore).
I created a custom plugin for you, called BlockPVP. What does it do? - Prevent people from PVP outside a PVP zone (Both players have to be in the PVP zone) - Create a PVP zone by placing a bedrock (up to 4 blocks above the bedrock is a PVP zone) More features will be added soon, I am working on it. A config file also will be added. Download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13159594/BlockPVP.jar
Thanks For Taking your time on this plugin. But, now it keeps saying "you are in a no-pvp zone." can you make it so the other way works too.. because right now the only way you could have a pvp zone/with people allowed to hit each other is with the bedrock blocks.. Is there anyway you could make it so the normal region that have "pvp allow" work to?
What do you mean by normal region? Just tell me what functionalities you would like to see. //Edit: Do you mean a existing worldguard region with pvp allow flag?
I will work on it, but it might take me till the weekend. It's pretty hard to access another plugin, I still need to learn these things haha.
WorldGuard has a very easy to use API: Code: RegionManager rgmanager = WGBukkit.getRegionManager(loc.getWorld()); ApplicableRegionSet set = rgmanager.getApplicableRegions(loc); if (!set.allows(DefaultFlag.PVP)) { // Check for bedrock, or prevent PvP. } // Else WorldGuard allows PvP so don't change anything (from http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldGuard/Regions/API) Also make sure you import things from "com.sk89q.worldguard."
I am new to Java programming, so working with those API docs is a lot of learning. I expect to finish the next update for my plugin this weekend.
I will release the next update of the plugin today, everything including the WorldGuard support seems to be working fine. Further testing before release, and some modifications to the shown messages ofcourse.
Here you go! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13159594/BlockPVP-1.0.3.jar Changelog after previous release I gave: 1.0.2 - Added WorldGuard support - PVP allowed in regions with PVP allow flag 1.0.3 - Players can now cross region PVP - Fixed: correct PVP messages now display - Changelog added to plugin src
@JoostLab I just got the plugin but when I place a bedrock in a pvp deny region it doesn't make the bedrock an pvp zone.. is there anyway you could make it a pvp zone. perhaps set the priority to 5, for the bedrock
Currently the plugin only allows pvp in: - Bedrock zones - WorldGuard pvp: allow regions You no longer need the pvp: deny flag, because BlockPVP will deny PVP by default, also outside of regions. To remove the pvp: dent flag in a region, do: /region flag <region> pvp
Is there anyway you could please just add the bedrock in a pvp deny region as well. I needed the update for that, Ugh
Sure I can, Ill add that as soon as possible. But may I ask why you still would have to use a pvp: deny region? ;P
Umm in some parts of our server we have it so its a pvp deny region perhaps probably around the spawn and we also have a ton of pvp zones in them and with this bedrock plugin all we have to do is place a bedrock under the pvp zones to make it work.. I mean its much better then making alot of regions Thats all i need <3