Filled Ban + MySQL + UUID

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MineTheCube, Jul 27, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Admin
    Suggested name: BanSync
    Explanations: I have 3 instances of bukkit (pvp.myserver, games.myserver, and skyblock.myserver), they work totally independently.
    But I want to synchronize banned players, they are some plugins for that but I don't find a plugin that support MySQL and UUID.
    And, I want to use ban method of essentials (usefull to display the reason when he is banned).
    What I want: Command:
    /ban <player> <reason> execute command defined in the config (like /essentials:ban %player% You are banned for %reason% by %banner%) and store the ban in the SQL database
    /unban <player> unban player and update the database
    /isban <player> check if the player is banned
    When aplayer tries to connect to a server:
    - If player is banned: check mysql database to know if he is unbanned
    - If player is not banned: check mysql database to know if he is banned, if true ban with command defined in config
    Ideas for permissions: banSync.ban, banSync.unban, banSync.check, banSync.notify
    When I'd like it by: ASAP
    Feel free to ask more explanations !
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    Doesn't support UUID..
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Why don't you request UUID support then?
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    I ask him, and it's not a planned feature..
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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