I have the Databases all connected properly, The tables were generated, But when I looked on the Admin Panel In the players table in my database I only see console. I have been trying to get this to work for a week and a half now. Can anyone tell me how to fix or get it to work I would greatly apreciate it. Also the plugin is active, and when I do "/banman" then push tab it shows the commands. Its connecting and the commands are registering when I try the commands on a player I get 06.03 15:54:26 [Server] INFO atank1 not found, are you sure they exist? 06.03 15:54:26 [Server] INFO Requesting UUIDs for atank1 06.03 15:53:46 ___________________ Wondering if this is possibly the issue?------------------------------ Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.Server.getOnlinePlayers()[Lorg/bukkit/entity/Player; ------------------------------- A warn?------------- [Server] WARN 67 [Server thread] INFO me.confuser.banmanager.internal.hikari.HikariDataSource - bm-local - Started.
@atank Plugin is not updated for your server version. Code: java -jar BuildData/bin/SpecialSource-2.jar map -m CraftBukkit/deprecation-mappings.csrg -i DownloadedPlugin.jar -o DownloadedPlugin-1.11.jar Replace DownloadedPlugin with your plugin name, make sure that the output is a different file. Buildtools command.
@atank Ban management is not made for your version. The command that I gave is for Buildtools, it will change the plugin to be compatible again. Asking for an update is a better option though.
@atank Then you didn't gt your craftbukkit.jar from a secure place. Then you have used a website that is hosting the files which can be filled with malicious code. Not helping with that.
Where can I get a more safer version? Um? Okay, I installed it from the Getbukkit site? Is that the right site to get it from or? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
@atank No, that is a bad site. Don't download the server at all. Download Buildtools by Spigotmc. Run that.
@atank You can search for Spigot's BuildTools and there will be instructions on how to set it up too on their website.
He means that you can download it to your own machine, and use the instructions that go with Buildtools.