Bad Chunk is eating my spawn! What can I do?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ChadTheDJ, May 11, 2011.

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    So as you can see, this chunk is completely taking a corner out of my spawn and it seems to be coming back a lot and stays. I already fixed it once by filling in the hole and that did not seem to work. Curious if anyone has an idea how to locate the file itself and delete the corrupted chunk and let the map generate a new one so I can rebuild. I think this happened when I was on b740 and there was a glitch with a bad teleport, it can corrupt a chunk (or something along that grounds).
  2. Offline


    There has been a lot of this happening for me recently. I have started a new map and as long as players dont crash on teleporting or the server doesnt crash everything is fine, im not sure i can do much in the way of helping you though :/
  3. Offline


    Interesting. I have something similar on my server since 740. The chunk containing coordinate 0/0/0 is constantly bad. It's all air and has light level 0. If I disconnect and reconnect it is still there. If i place something inside the whole chunk goes to the same light level as surrounding chunks. I can use WorldEdit to regenerate the chunk or fill it up myself and it stays that way until I restart the server. Then the bad chunk is back in its original form.
    Also interesting is that despite what target I set for my compass it always keeps pointing at the bad chunk.

    From the looks of the screenshot Chad's and my problems might be related.
  4. Offline


    I noticed the same issue on my public server a few days ago. Fortunately I had reset the spawn to about 300 blocks from 0,0 originally, so it doesn't affect game-play at all. One of other servers I play has the same chunk issue. Regenerating the chunk is only temporary fix.
  5. Offline


    Mine got progressively worse.. suddenly chunks were swapping around all over the place :)
  6. Offline


    Yup, our survival spawn/map had to be restored from backup because of chunks misplacing everywhere. So far no issues with the map after the backup was restored but certinally panicked on of my admins because they have been working on the spawn for the last 3 months.
  7. Offline


    Wow.. 3 months.
    Good luck and i hope you find a solution!
  8. Offline


    We did because we had backups. Again so far so good but this is scary that it is happening on a recommended build. I would assume that there was extensive testing but I do understand that this is a mod and problems can happen.
  9. Offline


    I suppose many problems can be related to minecraft only being in BETA?
  10. Offline


    I really believe that this is something to do with Bukkit, but I haven't found any fixes via this site by searching around.
  11. Offline


    So I tried word edit and used the regen command. and was not successful. Anyone have any ideas that can locate and delete this chunk?
  12. Offline


    I'm not sure thats possible since each chunk isn't stored in its own file :/
  13. Offline


    Same for me, i have to import the chunk like every week from a backup.
  14. Offline


    I would eat the chunk, then spit it out, then let your dog eat it, and retrieve it from his dump. That should work :p

    Ok not really, I would download a plugin which would fix bad chunks (darn, this afternoon I knew the name and now I have forgotten it). It was something with Chunk in it. Probally. (Oh wow, I am helping so bad right now, sorry!)
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    And it happened again this night... :)
  17. Offline


    You can //chunk and //regen with WorldEdit to replace screwed up chunks. I do it all the time if I want to reset a chunk here or there. Do any of you run the PerformanceTweaks plugin? This was causing issues with chunks on my server.
  18. Offline


    Haha, it was the building you saw in Machinima Realms. Yeah those plugins will just add to the same corrupted file

    Yup that is exacly what it did and it was broken on the next reboot.

    Believe it or not, I solved the issue by simply opening the map in single player with the launcher. it regenerated the chunk by itself and has remained fixed on the server since. FYI
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