Backseat Mod(s) of the month!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by pyraetos, Aug 18, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Mods suck, Admins ftw.
  2. Offline


    But but but time D:

    1) np98765 - 47 reports.
    2) LaxWasHere - 27 reports.
    3) chaseoes - 17 reports.
    4) lol768 - 13 reports.
    5) MrBluebear3 - 13 reports.
    6) jacklin213 - 12 reports.
    7) jorisk322 - 12 reports.
    8) CRAZYxMUNK3Y - 12 reports.
    9) hawkfalcon - 12 reports.
    10) ferrybig - 8 reports.
    341 reports were processed between Thu Nov 01 09:08:20 EST 2012 and Sat Dec 01 09:08:20 EST 2012

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  3. Offline


    Well that makes np98765 the first multiple-time winner of this prestigious award! Congratulations!
  4. Offline


    Yay, thanks :) I'm quite surprised, as I've been really busy this month...
    hawkfalcon likes this.
  5. Offline


    I shall consider myself #6. :p
  6. Offline


    I should probably watch this thread so I can be reminded next time...
  7. Offline


    say wat im 6th , how the heck that happen, i've been afbukkit for the past 1 and half months....
  8. Offline


    Do I get an ice cream or something?
  9. Offline


    We should get free cookies :D
    jorisk322 likes this.
  10. Offline


    I got probated for backseating in the Tekkit forum... dem nazi scum.
  11. Offline


    I think there is a difference between backseating and reporting.
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    drtshock likes this.
  14. cant wait until 8 January, that's when the report is wait (I think they have the results already)
  15. Offline


    Wow I haven't checked this thread since like.. September! :confused:
    -_Husky_- likes this.
  16. Offline


    Just got back from holiday, a lot of catching up to do. Tag spam me in a day or two.
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    Backseat moderators of December 2012:
    1) LaxWasHere - 57 reports.
    2) np98765 - 55 reports.
    3) lol768 - 16 reports.
    4) ferrybig - 16 reports.
    5) chaseoes - 15 reports.
    6) evilmidget38 - 14 reports.
    7) necrodoom - 13 reports.
    8) computerxpds - 12 reports.
    9) drtshock - 10 reports.
    426 reports were processed between Sat Dec 01 13:13:02 EST 2012 and Mon Dec 31 13:13:02 EST 2012

    And as a special treat, the champions of 2012:
    1) np98765 - 436 reports.
    2) Omnitv - 248 reports.
    3) chaseoes - 142 reports.
    4) hawkfalcon - 134 reports.
    5) Darky1126 - 119 reports.
    6) LaxWasHere - 91 reports.
    7) JOPHESTUS - 89 reports.
    8) evilmidget38 - 88 reports.
    9) cjc343 - 84 reports.
    5108 reports were processed between Sun Jan 01 13:13:45 EST 2012 and Mon Dec 31 13:13:45 EST 2012

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
    ferrybig, lol768 and drtshock like this.
  19. Offline


    Woo :p
    edit: Dangit chase, I was almost with my fellow bukkiteers :confused:
  20. Offline


    hawkfalcon likes this.
  21. Offline


    I had none? xD Lovely.
  22. Offline


    :confused: I'm #1!
    Free OP on my server!

    Ip is 2620:0:1cfe:lazl:ecft::3:25565
    hawkfalcon likes this.
  23. Offline

  24. Offline


    Sure, you can have free op on that one. Hope in to the Test server portal. xD
  25. Offline


    insider info: At this point in time -_Husky_- is determined to win January 2013.
    Butkicker12 and -_Husky_- like this.
  26. Offline


    Haha, you'll be getting about 80+ requests tonight lol

    PS : How many am I on
  27. Offline


    -_- Husky -_-
    -_Husky_- likes this.
  28. Offline


    Dunno my internet is failing so I am going slowly. Must be the heat.
    -_Husky_- likes this.
  29. Offline


    Been out skiing at Lakes Entrance, 42 degrees :)
  30. Offline


    Locked. After seeing our report queue get spammed with mostly invalid reports from people wanting to get on this list, I see no reason to keep encouraging this behavior.

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