Hello users. I searching a plugin for autokick for player whit high ping. Any idea? Regards. Nothing? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
He means when a players ping goes too high he wants them to be kicked, such as 1 being lowest and 999 being highest, but in mineraft they have green bars and crap...
I'm not sure if bukkit supports network operations like this. I suppose you could use 'netAddress.getByName'.
u could get the ip of the player and ping it on the standard ports. This might not work for all though, therefore I wouldnt do it.
This wouldn't work to well on all servers. For example: Players that host their servers on a local computer. Since they are using all their bandwidth, their ping to just about anyone might be enough to kick the player. xMinecraft We can read what you say without size 20 font. This is a lot more difficult than you may think, as the client side of a game is usually what handles a ping. Since the server would be in charge of the ping in minecraft, it would be subject to the connection speed and usage. That means if your server is using all its bandwidth, all players are going to get kicked. Since more players = more lag, its very inefficient.