Arrows in the body (after death)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by re4ly, Jul 31, 2013.

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    How can i remove these arrows (body & area)?

    thanks, re4ly
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    This *might* help, haven't tested, you need to import craftbukkit though.

    ((CraftPlayer) event.getEntity()).getHandle().getDataWatcher().watch(9, (byte)0);
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    what you could do is with the event, EntityDamageByEntityEvent, you could check if the damager is a projectile, then check if the projectile is an arrow, and then do projectile.remove()
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    In order to remove them after death you would need to log the arrows upon impact and then remove them all after a PlayerDeathEvent
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    xxMOxMOxx it is not possible to remove all projectile from a body without logging?
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    I don't know, I was just saying if you want to do EcMiner's idea you need to log them, not remove the immediately.
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    Confirmed to work for me, it removes the arrows on respawn (if you use a death event it removes the arrows as you die, which is probably not wanted). It uses Reflection so you don't have to import CraftBukkit.
    public class ArrowRemover implements Listener {
        private static final String MC_VERSION = Bukkit.getServer().getClass().getPackage().getName().split("\\.")[3];
        private static final Class<?> craftPlayer = forClassName("org.bukkit.craftbukkit.%MC_VERSION%.entity.CraftPlayer"),
                                      packet = forClassName("net.minecraft.server.%MC_VERSION%.Packet205ClientCommand");
        public void onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent event) {
            try {
                Object handle = craftPlayer.getMethod("getHandle").invoke(craftPlayer.cast(event.getPlayer())),
                  dataWatcher = handle.getClass().getMethod("getDataWatcher").invoke(handle);
                dataWatcher.getClass().getMethod("watch", int.class, Object.class).invoke(dataWatcher, 9, (byte) 0);
            } catch (Throwable error) {
        public static Class<?> forClassName(String name) {
            try {
                return Class.forName(name.replace("%MC_VERSION%", MC_VERSION));
            } catch (Throwable error) {
                return null;
    xTrollxDudex likes this.
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