Armour/Weapon/Tool Stage

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by waball, Aug 8, 2022.

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    Hey all, you probably have no idea what I’m talking ahout, but I will explain:

    Plugin name: I really have no idea
    Version 1.19+

    I’m looking for a plugin that lets admins decide what stage the server is on, and limit the armour/weapon/tools that players can use. I will explain as an example for better understanding:

    If the stage was on Iron, players can only use iron armour/weapons/tools, or worse ones for example leather, with leather armour and wood tools. If a player tries to equip something like diamond or netherite armour/weapons/tools, it will be moved back into the inventory automatically (tools/weapons cannot be put into hotbar.)

    (Chainmail stage is stone tools, leather stage is wooden tools and stone tools)

    I would also like enchant limitations for each stage for only bows, crossbows and tridents.
    Below is the list of stages and its enchantment limitations.

    Please make as anti-bypassable as possible.

    Please feel free to ask if you are confused.
    Thank you!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
  2. Offline


    Hello, looks interesting, i'll try to make it! :)
    Can you please write down all the stages with all equipment types?
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2022
  3. Offline


    I got you mate,
    Question. Should I just dissable the ability to craft the Items when they're not allowed to use it? So they won't waste resources, they are still able to mine iron ore, just not craft armor/swords unless the stage allows that.
    You okay with that?

    Its not exactly clear to me what Leather Chainmail and Gold are allowed to have and where they belong?
    Chainmail > Gold > Iron
    Chainmail > Iron > Gold

    Are stages general for everyone?
    if yes, should a change of stage be Broadcasted over the server?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022
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    What if a player already has a non-allowed item equipped? Does the item get put back into their inventory? What if it's full?
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    I filled in some gaps that were unclear to me.
    I'm not sure what you mean with (Chainmail is stone and leather is stone and wood) leather is better then chainmail?
    I assumed it was a mistake and switched them around.

    My order is (what I assume from enchantment Limitations)
    Leather > Chainmail > Gold > Iron > Diamond > Netherite
    (With Limited tools from Stage name and enchantments as from the picture)

    it has 4 commands
    Requires "stage.admin":
    /stage Select (stage)
    /stage Next
    /stage Previous
    Requires nothing:
    /stage Info
    (also default command on missing args)

    Restrictions put on Crafting, Enchanting, Enchanting with Anvil, Equipping, Putting in Quickbar and Using (making person drop the Item so they won't keep trying it).

    Let me know if anything is wrong or needs to be adjusted!

    Attached Files:

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    Thank you soo much, I don't mind (sorry for the late response)

    Assuming that you added a way to force the item off the player if they have the item equipped during a stage change and it would drop the item under them if their inventory is full

    EDIT: I have checked the plugin out, i set the stage to leather, but i still can equip netherite armour? it does drop the tools though? It should drop the netherite armour on trying to equip it. or any armour above leather stage.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2022
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