Hello, I'm looking for a plugin that enables spawning on different points based on areas. E.g. if a player is in the area pvp and he dies there he'll be respawned in front of the area instead of the regular respawn point. Would this be possible ? Sorry if my english is bad...
Yeah, like let the admin designate multiple respawn points, and when you die, you go to the closest one. Thatt'd be fantastic, actually
Or also the option to lets say you have 4 points, you will randomly respawn at either of them 1 time you die it might be point 3, the other time it might be point 1, that would be pretty cool, and able to change in the config if its the closest or random i support this idea!
also a great idea adding the possibility to create areas it would ne great if you're in a area, you'll be respawned on the assigned spawn point if your aren't in an area you'll be respawned at the closed one...or an random