Are NPC in the TODO list ?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Sammy, Apr 12, 2011.

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    It's been a while since @Redecouverte updated his NPC lib (or even entered the forum), so my question is if making a NPC spawner is on the bukkits team todo list, I know it's not listed on the website but not all updates are ^^
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    I hope that they add it to the TODO
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    His source is online, so we could update it??
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    Ya, but it is always hard to update other peoples code, because they have different coding techniques.
    Streammz likes this.
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    XLawless BaronX

    yea best to wait for NPCX to be fixed thats the best one
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    It has to wait for the NPC lib to be updated first though
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    XLawless BaronX

    yea still i think personally its worth waiting for as it has the best system to use
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    The problem is that the developer of the NPC lib is not updating it, and has not been on the forum for a long time now.
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    XLawless BaronX

    oh man :( that sucks i really wanted to use NPCX
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    Yah it does suck, however I think that there is a person working on updating the lib. It just is taking a long time due to the fact that it is someone else's code
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    XLawless BaronX

    :confused: ok hopefully it gets uploaded soon and NPCX gets updated
  12. to my understanding, you have this ALL WRONG. :p
    anyway, there are 2 updated lib's on his npc lib thread, and there is someone updating NPCX for the new lib.
    that is all.
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