API for text above hotbar & tablist

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MrFrozen, Jun 15, 2015.

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    Hey bukkit,

    I see a lot of server that has a text above that hotbar of the player without using item renames what is this for plugin and how can I get it, I think it is a API cause each server has some custom things also Im search the plugin for the tab list that you can add a top and a button text.

    Above hotbar: http://prntscr.com/7ha7ii
    Tablist: http://prntscr.com/7ha7oo
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    Above hotbar would require 1.8, both would require NMS/Packet hackery.
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    Yeah I know that it requires 1.8 but wich API/Lib did they use or how did they do it
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    Not one you're going to find here, since there is no Bukkit for 1.8.

    EDIT: To be slightly more helpful without getting myself banned, if you search on the forums of whatever server software you plan on using to run your 1.8 plugin, you should find numerous threads, sample code and libs to do what you want.
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