[API] AreaAPI - Create areas with ease!

Discussion in 'Resources' started by fletch_to_99, Aug 5, 2012.

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    About AreaAPI:
    AreaAPI is a simple way for developers to create "areas" of blocks which their plugin can utilize. With this area developers are able to check if players or blocks are in it. They are also able to get all of the blocks within the area.
    Server Owners:
    Found a plugin that uses AreaAPI? All you have to do to is download the latest version found here: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/areaapi/ and place it in your server's plugins directory.
    Types of areas:
    1. HeigthelessArea
    This type of area is created using 2 locations. From those two locations it will create and area using the minimum and maximum x and z values, however the height will range from bedrock to the maximum world height.
    2. SinglePlaneArea
    This type of area is created using 2 locations which must be on the same Y value. The area is created with a height of one and uses 2 locations minimum and maximum x and z values to create the area,
    3. CubedArea
    This type of area is created using 2 locations. From those two locations it will create and area using the minimum and maximum x, y and z values.
    4. PolygonalAreaThis last type of area is created using an array of locations.
    How can I as a developer make use of this API?
    As a developer you are going to have to add the latest jar for AreaAPI to your projects libraries. It can be downloaded through link 4 below. Please see the sample usage paste teaching you how to make use of AreaAPI
    1. Documentation http://fletchto99.x10.mx/AreaAPI/
    2. Source Code https://github.com/Monstercraft/AreaAPI
    3. Sample usage http://dev.bukkit.org/paste/5927/
    4. Latest Jar http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/areaapi/
    Don't forget to notify your users that your plugins requires AreaAPI!
    What can I expect in the future?
    Within the next few updates that roll out you can look forward to using:
    • SphericalAreas
    • CylinderAreas
    • The ability to create hollow areas
    • The ability to get the blocks on the perimeter of the area
    • The ability to check if a block is on the perimeter of an area
    I have a great idea for AreaAPI that was not said above!
    If you have a great idea or something you would like to see in a future version of AreaAPI leave a comment below or post the idea on my github issue tracker found here: https://github.com/Monstercraft/AreaAPI/issues

    We hope you choose to use AreaAPI with your plugin!
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    I don't really see any benefit of this over something such as using WG as a backend. You don't have any persisting of the regions, there's no way to check if a region is within another one. There's no management of the Area's at all, leaving plugins that hook into it needing to manage all of the regions they use manually. You also don't provide tools to persist the data (specific formats?), or save the areas created.

    I really like the idea, but I'm not really sure how useful this actually is.
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