Anyone thought of a creative way to 'update' current maps to 1.3?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by dxwarlock, Jun 27, 2012.

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    I tried doing a search but putting 'Emerald" and '1.3" into search got me hundreds of results, 99% of which I don't think relates to what I'm if its been started as a topic, forgive me.

    Has anyone thought of, or working on a relatively simple way to 'update' your MP map to 1.3 for the new blocks?

    My long time players aren't really fond of a 'new world' again so soon since the 256 height change. I mean Ive done it before the "well we have to because of X being changed" over the last few years..but every time we lose a few dozen people that don't feel like loosing everything they made.

    I could do the world edit select HUGE areas and replace stone with a % of the new blocks..but that's not really viable on a whole map scale.
    Expanding the borders of the world WOULD work also...but then Id have a week of terraform to get the new chunks to match the edge of the old terrain less work than the WorldEdit idea really.

    Anyone thought this out and came up with a trick?
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    It is always the same with any update: the chunks must be regenerated.
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    Sorry just had to let the rage out.
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    The only option I see is to save user creations as a .schematic with worldedit, then update the world, and restore the .schematic files.
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    I was very pissed when I had to rebuild our world for the 3rd time due to Minecraft updates. Snow in deserts, huge blocks of stone that popped out of nowhere, you name it. That was when we decided to give TerrainControl a try and ditch Minecrafts own world generator.

    The learning curve was quite steep, but now Minecraft updates don't give us the shitties anymore. Which is a good thing, obviously. :)

    (All under the assumption that TerrainControl keeps on being updated in the future of course.)
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    OP, what I plan on doing, although I don't know if it will work, is to use my current 1.2.5 seed in the updated 1.3 world, and import my creations using MCedit.
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    +1 for TC

    We're going to wipe our survival instance until we find something that suits us.. Spawn will be imported. Still ironing out the politics if we'll let users bring things through the transition. On our creative server we might finally go multi so we can keep a handle on things this time.. Current creative world is 16GB after many merges, time to start new.
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    What I have done and it works great but don't know if mcedit will work for 1.3 but I load the map in there and anywhere there is open land I select that chunk and delete the chunks I dont need/want anymore this allows me and the other admin from using schematics and load each one. This method is great but watch out make a back up just in case you want that area. Also look in to Worldedit //restore feature with the snapshots with you backuped world so if you do need any you could select the region and just use your back up to restore that region from the old file. If you want me too Ill make a video on this as It toke me some time to figure this out.
    dxwarlock likes this.
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    That sounds like the best Idea, been thinking about the Schematic thing, but that always turns into a pain as everyone wants every little dirt hut they made on the map moved...Redoing ALL but where buildings are seems better, as I don't have to worry about 'missing' someones little house.
    A bit of work..but can regen all the "unused" area and hope not a lot of manual editing to get the land to match up :)
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    Everyone here had heard that you can trade items to the villagers for emeralds too right? Last i'd read emeralds are likley to be as rare or rarer than diamond and only spawn in the extreme hills and its edge biomes. While the new temples are supposed to have em too from time to time there needs to be many temples around as they are basically one use.

    What I'm getting at is this, why reset a map to add an ore that is rarer than the rarest current ore that only spawns underground in the slim boundaries between select biomes? Anyone who wants to do regular trading with villagers or that wants to build out of emerald blocks isn't going to spend dozens of hours finding the stuff they are just going to haul their junk chest and trade whatever the villagers will take for emeralds. It just seems unnecessary if thats the only reason behind a map reset.

    Now I am biased against map resets I've had my server up since 1.5 without a reset and while the map may have some ugly edges some people like em for weird projects.
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