Anvil with new enchantments!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TomTheDeveloper, Aug 9, 2013.

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  1. Offline


    Okey, I know how to make new enchanments. But now, the next step is the anvil. I want to make that players can put their stuff with new enchantments in the anvil. So, how can I make new anvil recipes?
  2. Offline


    If a player puts an item with a custom enchantment in an anvil it crashes their client. If it has no custom enchantment, there is no specific "custom recipe" system for anvils as far as I know, but you can listen to the inventoryclickevent and work things out there.
  3. Offline


    Yeah, I know it crashes the client. But is there some way to set the xp level you need to repair/add enchantments to your stuff?
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