
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by iFamasssxD, Jun 23, 2013.


Does this plugin seem easy?

  1. Yes, very.

  2. In the middle.

  3. No, its actually very difficult.

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    I have a server going up pretty soon and it is based on the concepts of playerkills from the scoreboard. You don't necessarily have to make it for me. Just the concept on how it would work - HashMap - ArrayList - HashSet - Etc. (I am a starting coder and have the basic ideas but this one escapes me. I know this isnt a hard plugin but im just not sure of the concept.

    Plugin category: Admin Tools

    Suggested name: BoostPrevention

    What I want: When a player kills another player 3 times in a row I would like there to be a 10 minutes cooldown with a message saying: "You cannont earn any more kills from this player for another (time left) minutes!" (Optional) Once it says that it runs a command configurable by the config.yml.

    But I need a command run every time they kill the player so it subtracts a kill when they are currently disabled

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: boostprevention.canboost - Allows them to kill the same player as many times as needed. (This is optional)

    When I'd like it by: As soon as you can
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    timtower I did use BukktiRunnables and HashMaps but when it came to displaying to player how much time was left, I was either unable to log from that or the timer was the same for the whole server and not individual players.
    I do appreciate your help and I didnt make a seperate post because im lazy :p But I will go and do that now.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    iFamasssxD The Run function of an timer is the thing that will called when the time is over

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